Extraction Making Hash With Dry Sift - Pics & vid.

The Bedroom Gardener UK

Dragon Abuser
Cultivators Club
Jun 2, 2011
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Lots of hash.
I was looking for a dry sift tutorial on here and couldn't find one.

First of all you need to get your dry sift of course. There's various methods of getting your sift, but that's not what the thread is about.

.1. Collect your Dry Sift from where ever you can. In my case I have a crystal catcher grinder & do a little sift before BHO on my crop trim. (This sift is from Barney's Farm Flower Power).



.2. Put your sift into the plastic from a cigarette wrapper. (I no longer smoke, so had to get one from someone else. I've also heard you can use decent clingfilm for the kitchen, but not tried it)


.3. Wrap your sift up into a pouch & selotape up. Try not to let any part become too thin as it'll be a bugger to get back out again. If you've only got a little sift then just tip it all into a corner.


.4. Get a strip of newspaper & wrap the sift into that as well. Then selotape around this to. Once you have a little pack, then soak the lot under the tap. SOAKING IS VERY IMPORTANT. If you don't soak, your sift will burn and your hash will be ruined.



.5. Set your oven to gas mark 3 & wait till it get to temp. Then put your pack in for 10 minutes. You need to watch your temps & times. Any longer or higher & you can burn your hash.

Fahrenheit Celcius Gas Mark
300°F 149°C Gas Mark 2
325°F 162°C Gas Mark 3
350°F 176°C Gas Mark 4

.6. After 10 minutes take the pack out of the over & get something heavy to roll over it. This applied pressure to the heat is what will create your hash proper.


.7. Wait (if you can) till the pack has cooled down (this will harden the hash and make it easier to handle), then carefully split it open and take out your goodies.


.8. Get very, very stoned...

Peace. Hope this is useful.

Here's the vid on utube. I used this the first time I made has, and haven't went wrong.


Very interesting and as always excellent guide.
Quick question - how did you come up with those temps?

I personally didn't come up with them, but more of a looking around & found the general consensus. I believe the utube vid also has it around this temp.
Hey NnE!! Great guide! Is the Dry Sift you speak of the same as Kief?
yah rebel dry sift is just the method of collecting the kief
Hey Killa -- Sweet thanks. Sometime I'd like to collect enough to do this. Maybe when the girls are done! I had a friend custom make us a Kief Box. Have yet to use it.

@DirtNap -- Thanks for the info. I'm gonna try this hopefully soon.
Do you guys know were I can get 125, 70 and maybe 25 micron screens? I have a box ready but I just can´t seem to find screens anywhere. I´m situated in Scandinavia,
Do you guys know were I can get 125, 70 and maybe 25 micron screens? I have a box ready but I just can´t seem to find screens anywhere. I´m situated in Scandinavia,

Im looking for screen myself. I may break down and get the 7 bag bubble bag system for this years harvest. Evrything except the exceptional bud is being turned into hash.
A friend told me to look for shops that sell silk screen stuff. Big hobby stores that sell silk screen gear.
Im looking for screen myself. I may break down and get the 7 bag bubble bag system for this years harvest. Evrything except the exceptional bud is being turned into hash.
A friend told me to look for shops that sell silk screen stuff. Big hobby stores that sell silk screen gear.

Indeed, that's how I made mine DIY screen. The shop in the below link has screens in various microns (at the bottom of the page). I got my screen off fleabay, and I'm sure it was in a roll.

I just watched the video and his hash looked really green to me. Most likely the screen is too large or he just sifted a little to long. I have done bubble hash that has come out excellent before but my next batch is going to be the dry ice method as it seems a lot easier. I would highly recommend getting a cheap pollen press off ebay or something. I got mine for like $15 shipped as I recall and you wont have to go through all the pressing steps from the video unless you just want to do it anyway. :)