Indoor Magic garden 1m x 1m 400 hps 16 photos

Feb 7, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hello everyone. I want to show my another round with ladies.
Tent 1 m x 1 x 2m
Hps 400, umbrella type spreader. Co2 bag. 16 inch fan. Extractor fan rhino plus carbon filter , mesh pots 8 litres, plants love them.coco plus perlite and clay pebbles( not much)
Shogun nuts for coco. Feeding chart from growell catalog so i dont need measure ec. Just low down ph to 5.8 and water plants. They receive about 500 ml per day :)
Strains are:
Girl scout cookies x2
Blue og x2
Gorilla bomb
Purple moby dick
Cotton candy cane
Lemon og kush x2
Ak 47 x shishkaberry
La confidental
Djs gold
Strawberry glue
Black berry og
.goal is just to see what i can get out of these beans. I will be happy with any result as next 100 seeds are waiting in queue...about 30 strains. For fun.why not.
Day 32. 2nd week flo.12/12

co2 supplementation is ineffective if you have an exhaust fan, unless you release massive amounts that can't be quickly sucked out by the exhaust fan.
co2 supplementation typically requires an airtight grow volume without exhaust.
Oh thank you fellas for tip. So i wont buy them again. Cheers
Update day 42

Pics before trimming and just after. I finished them hour ago. Such a hard work : )

Few girls i had to pull out and now instead 16 we have 13.( gone are - la confidental, djs gold and lemon og kush) I will show closer pics of each plant when will be in full bloom nearly ready to cut down. Otherwise they look just like normal sticks alike plants. They are on bloom week 2nd.

As far the quickest strain is blue og. I mean which one first showed white hair.
@Maria Sanchez
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Okay time to say something. Yesterday i decided that im either giving them 13 plants away to one or 2 of my growing mates ( im waiting for them to come back from weekend trip and they will see if they got space in their tents) and if they dont want them - i must bin them becase i have just too many plants in my house. Plus fact in other tent i have monster plants going on so what i will do is bin or give away for free them 13 sticks ( they are on day 50, about 3 week of flo) and i will move some plants from other tent. So basically i m gonna harvest more of autos from other tent than if i will keep all 26 plants. So thats price for learning in growing. I have just few grows finished under my belt thats why i wanted make some experiments and i didint expect explosive grow in other tent so yeah i m gonna do it because this is gonna increase my overall yield from this 13 plants from other tent. Im glad im mature enough to make now wiser decisions so wont be any crying when i will be chopping them down or giving away. Plus i got another 40 seeds waiting in fridge to pop for next round so really i dont care about this situation and as they say- "less is more" .
So sorry for this but it was unplanned move and plus for safety reasons im downsizing in amount of lovely plants : ) in my opinion when grower see that too many is too many then good for him( when we someone doesnt live in holland or states in usa when growing is legal ) : ) so everything is going good with second tent just i want apologize that happend what happen and safety first plus i didint pay a single penny for this photoperiods so no loss. We can close this topic : )