New Grower LST- The how's when's and why's


Buzzing high and loving the flowers
Jan 28, 2015
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Hey guys,
Just wanted to start a thread about LSTing. Ever since i've started growing i've always kinda let my plants do their thing with occasional trimming here and there, but now i kinda wanna understand LSTing.
So if anyone could explain some of the following, for me and anyone else out there who doesnt know about it, it'd be awesome :D

How you do it? (setting it up, what to use etc.)

When can you do it? (xth set of leaves/ x weeks after germination)

Why do you do it?

If it should/ should not be done with autos

pros and cons

Thanks guys and happy toking
"AFN smoke out"
I've used holes drilled in my pot rim set out like a clockface. Then I've used string/wire to bend over growing tip until other tips become dominant and they can be sent out towards their most suitable drill hole. This time, same concept but no bondage, I just used bamboo skewers to X and pin stems where I required.

I start from about 3 weeks but believe many start much earlier.

I do it to maximise my space .....for more weed, and for fun. I grow CFL so want as much of the top as close to my lights as possible.

With my setup I believe it should be done, auto or no.

Pros: It's fun. You learn a lot about plants and how they grow and how to guide that to your will. I believe I yield more than if I didn't.

Cons: There's potential accidentally damage your ladies (but then that starts you learning about their resilience and supercropping). You'll likely get more smaller buds vs fewer bigger.

Do it!

I do the same thing to my pots A Gardner. I like to LST, I think it helps in getting to know your plants better and increases bud production dramatically on the lower branches. I will say though that I have busted the main cola bud off twice by being to aggressive (i.e. deciding to put a little more bend on the plant after a few drinks in the evening.) So IMHO, I say LST helps just don't be to aggressive :)
Thanks for all the answers!! Just one more thing though, when do you remove the wires? or do ya just leave them on till you harvest. Sorry i'm a big noob when it comes to all the stress training :D
I'd LST at any time, though I begin about 3 weeks when you've got something to work with. I go on until about week 5-7. Then they're fairly set as they're flowering. Adjust or remove wires etc any time necessary.

Most get lost and stay. It's cool when you unveil your work during harvest. I'm looking forward to an accidental topping, some supercropping and a repaired split tip.