New Grower LST how long

I also LST, I keep it lsted all the way to harvest time. There will be times throughout the grow that you might need to tie down more. Its looking good right now keep it growing. One love:bong:
I'm on my first grow and I'm planning on keeping them pinned down until harvest, like stylez717 suggested. You'll find yourself playing a game of "how much stretch do I want"! You want them close to the lights, but you want stretch also to give more node spacing for pinning without damaging calyx or future bud sites. I'm amazed at how quickly they respond to lst!!! wks 3,4, and 5 you'll be pinning them daily and sometimes twice daily! I find it extremely enjoyable and plan to lst/scrog next grow.
You can take your tie downs off well before the harvest. They stop growing vertical eventually before they start to flower. You can tell when vertical growth stops when pulling branches down is longer needed. Just make sure to keep them where you want them because when she stops that's it.

I normally take my ties off before day 30.