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After my first failed attempt i concidered ordering some stable and short variety like lowryder 2.Outdours terrace growing,5-6 plants.

Will i have a problem with the smell and if yes do ona gels work???

What will be the average height if all other(soil,nutes,rootjuice) are provided.
in 4 gallon pots...
Thinking to put 2 seeds in each pot....

I need help guys asap..
Thanks in advance!!!
Heya Shamanus, as far as terrace growing goes. That is what I am doing this year and Wiz gave me some very helpful ideas. Grow some mint and jasmine on your terrace also. It should help out a lot with masking smell. This is my 1st time growing auto's so I am not any kind of authority to tell you on the size of pot you are using or combining them. I personally would get 2-3 gallon pots for each one rather than combining them. But that is just me. Pot size will determine the plant size. Bigger the pot, the bigger the plant. Also I have no clue about ona gels. I have never used them. Best of luck with your girls. Keep it safe and sunny :D
hey, ive grown lr2 indoors and got 20-29 grams a plant.3 plants in 2gal pots under 400w. they were around 20 inches.ona is strong as hell and you can smell it a mile lr2 didnt really stink. if you want a bigger auto try auto assassin ive ran white dwarf,blue himalya,russian rocket fuel,lr2, and a few others. only auto assassin has been stable for me..always get 2oz a plant.sometimes more
auto assassin has been stable for me..always get 2oz a plant.sometimes more
DAMN brother, that is NICE. I have 5 Assassins going right now along with 5 Mi5 outdoors and bring them indoors for additional light. I hope I can see those kind of results :)
hope so too bro,i use 400w hps 18/6 2gal pots and tiger bloom..i have 1 right now on 12/12 because of regular strains flowering next to it..the thing is still huge..ill upload pics of it later
Guys thank you first of all for your quick response!!!!I already have mint,sage, and other herbs,but jasmine is really a strong smell i have to buy one....Relieved with the ona gel because no money for anything else...So if 3 were ok then 2 will be fine because i have to fit the small space and restricted height issues......I will put 2 on the 4gl and see from there on.....thanks again!!!!:)
Best of luck on your grow this season Shamanus. Be sure and post some pics when you have them going :D
If you're looking for a big time steathy plant... I dont even think that you'll need the gel with the Purple Jems! It just smells like flowers. Dont know if it yields as much as those that were listed above but with the right size pot, im sure it would. The one that I have in a 3.5 gallon pot should yield atleast an ounce. But kinda sounds like you may be after more of a sativa or sativa/indica feel. Think the JEM is more indica
Just found this old thread
ONA gel works.
I make my own
How do you do this?

I have been using ona block pro, I found it worked OK but still had smell outside my room. I have since found it works well if you treat it like rinsing bottles, the first rinse will get rid of most stuff, then you should rinse twice again to get rid of most of the rest, it is like each time you get rid of ~95% of the contaiminants. With the ona block if I leave it in the grow area it still seeps out and stinks out the room, if it is left outside the grow area too much smell escapes and the ona cannot cope.

So I have a 3 stage ona treatment. I scrape off some of the solid ona with a spoon into 2 glass jars. These shavings have large surface area so work well. You put the main ona in the grow area, then one jar outside the box, then one near the door of the room. So only a small bit of smell exits the box, the ona outside pretty much cleans this up, and then the ona right at the door cleans up any leftover.
Thanks a lot for all the info! I had actually thought you were not using ona products at all, but using baking soda or some other chemical. Using the ona liquid must be much more cost effective, I never knew there was a ona liquid, not sure if my local hydro store had the liquid but I could get it online.

I like that idea of it being in normal looking containers for visitors coming, you could have bowls of it ontop of cupboards or dressers so nobody would spot them.