Indoor Low Stress Training/First Time Growing

Sep 8, 2016
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Hello growers, smokers, stoners, or whatever you see yourself as!

Im currently on a grow, and i have no clue what strain it is..
The thing is, i planted three seeds and all 3 made it, but due to the lack of growing experience i failed two outta three but one is still growing under 150wHPS 22/2 lightscheme. (32DAYSIN)
And to inform you, i forgot to name em, so i dont remember wich one it was that survived..(Stupid mistake)
Strains it could be is Northern Light AF White Widow AF Quick One AF.

But here is the thing, im wondering if its ok to lowstress all the branches to open up the plant to give more light in the center and the small ones that comes out from the start of the branch? Because i have done the last to 4 branchens tied to the sides abit, not hard at all, but so they open up. Do i continue to do this? Or just the first 4 branches, or whats the deal? I appriciate some consideration about me doing this for the first time hehe.. Thanks in advance: Elias

Pictures will come up during the evening =)
Hey bud - newbie here too, but I think I have a pretty good idea of when & how to LST. Pictures of your plant and what you've already done will definitely help though.
You can adjust as required...gently and not too much at once...if you post pics advice can be a little more specific...:pass: