Luckily ive never had any visits from either of those bastards!
Speaking of heat sigs, we all know the famous picture of the row of houses covered in snow with the one house that the snows all melted!
Im sure the pic is slightly exaggerated- unless they were running a couple of hids with no insulation!
But In a well insulated attic would there be any give away? Hasnt properly snowed since i started growing this time last year.
Luckily ive never had any visits from either of those bastards!
Speaking of heat sigs, we all know the famous picture of the row of houses covered in snow with the one house that the snows all melted!
Im sure the pic is slightly exaggerated- unless they were running a couple of hids with no insulation!
But In a well insulated attic would there be any give away? Hasnt properly snowed since i started growing this time last year.
Unfortunately those pics aren't exaggerated. Plasterboard has poor insulation and a tile or slate roof will be equally bad.
It takes a surprisingly small amount of insulation to make a big difference. The front of my tent has a single sheet of multi foil (other brands are also available ) but still has been at 16c lights/heaters off when it's been 5c in the loft.

My neighbour had a plant taxed from his back garden last year. They went through his front garden, past his dog, through a side gate,down an alleyway that is actually under his bedroom, through back gate into garden all while they slept.

You kind of half accept the knock from plod if it happens. But if you have a hobby or medicinal garden and the tax man comes that is just burglary.

I've just started a new grow and invested in some clip on fans.

The slight vibration of these resonated on the tent frame and resulted in a low frequencies hum that get the household awake.

I've stretched bungy cord across the frame and attached the fans to this. No more vibration.
