
Apr 9, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
My hay like harvest from earlier this year
Problem: leaf clawing and burnt leaf tips

Medium/grow method: Fox Farms Coco Loco, outdoor, 3 gallon fabric pot, PHOTOPERIOD

Feed: and supplements used: local grow shop house blend. Includes base bloom, bloom booster, smart tea, cal mag, silica substance for cell strength

water source: tap water, dechlorinated. Ph alternates in the 6.3 to 6.8 range

Strain/age: Dementia (blue dream x amnesia haze). Sprouted from seed on june 25th, so 81 days. I believe I am in the beginning of 4th week of flower.

light used: the sun!

Climate: Kentucky. It has been mid 90's last few days. Hot and humid here.

Additional info: for the last month, maybe a tad longer I had been feeding twice per day, over the recommended bottle strength (going off the grow shops feed guide). I believe it has just built up and locked out.

Yesterday I freaked out and ran 2 gallons of pH water through it. I know that is not a proper flush.

Any help would be appreciated, I want to get her healthy again!

I do not have a PPM meter


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Heya yo!
So im def not a weed doc but ive seen one played on tv lol....
1st off, im not seeing a lot of bad there. Theres like a rust spot or two but at this point in the grow thats not a thing to overly worry about imo.
One thing you said tho that is weird to me, as a noob.....youre running the recommended(by a shop employee who gets paid to sell you nutes) feed routine.
It seems pretty common here in afn at least, and in regards to autos especially, that a lot of recommended feeds are too strong out the gate.
Personally i run 1/4 to 1/2 strength doses, i dont water to run off and i dont flush.
If this is a lockout issue then a flush should/could help! But ya gotta actually flush the pot lol.
I think generally its recommended by the growers here that you run upwards of 3x the amount of water that the pot will hold.
So if im using a 3 gallon pot if want to run at least 6 gallons and probably more like 8-9 gallons thru to try and wash out built up salts/nutes.
I hope somebody smarter than me gets in here, but i think your gal looks alright man! Especially considering this weird as hell weather weve been having!
If your in coco, ph and ppm are needed to know whether this is lockout due to salt buildup, (in which case flushing with correctly pHd and ppmd water.

Sounds to me like you're treating it as a soil grow, amending the medium.

I've seen a few grows go thru where people have mixed grow styles, sometimes it works...

But the main problem is this... do I suggest you fix as you would with coco? Or soil? Very different approaches are needed.

That being said, I don't see a lot to worry about in the pics. The one brown spot looks like physical damage, not a deficiency issue.
Thanks for the responses guys. @Arthur coco loco isnt pure coco and Fox Farms recommends treating this as soil.

@baked in the bluegrass I will run 4 more gallons today. It will not be dechlorinated is that a huge deal?
If your treating as soil, then flushing is not the answer. Flushing out issues is for a coco grow, you flush clean, and reset with the correct values.
If your treating as soil, the medium pH is needed, so that the appropriate ammendment can be added to adjust pH up or down.

Again tho... I don't see anything from your pics that would have me concerned.
I dont think its as big a deal when ya flush, tho as some others have mentioned, usually in a proper flush the last gallon or so should be a really low dose of your feed.
Youre kinda recharging the soil afyer the flush.
Also, i luv coco loco, treated it like an organic soil grow, was luv!
Ok, so flushing is only done in a pure coco grow? I am so confused lol. I guess I will just start watering with a reduced nute.

Hopefully she will be okay, I really cant wait for the temps to drop as it has been so damn hot
Yeah this heat is ballsack!
Man growing, like literally everything else everywhere is hardly black or white lol.
There are afn peeps who flush soil religiously, and especially at the end of the grow.
Ya have us weirdos on the other side of that coin like me.
Wtf, flush the nutes i spent money on outta the pot. Fek that noise lol. Them plants better be thankful and eat up every lil bit i give em lol.
Question for ya....do you use any sort of beneficials, like recharge or great white myccos?
From my perspective @DevilDog_0651, your plant(s) looks pretty darn good. My outside plants always look a bit "weathered" compared to my pampered inside plants. In our climate with the sun baking hell out of the outdoor plants, some sunburn or sun scalding is a high probability. I bought some sun shade fabric from Lowes and use that when we have real hot, dry spells. Also, I do keep my plants sprayed with organic insecticides (Spinosad or Neem Oil) as a weekly precaution just in case if you happen to see any spotting or chewing from insect damage.

I've always fed nutes with a light hand, and if they call for a full ounce of this or that...I'll use .5 ounce at first and work up to .75 later on. (Just examples) Every now and then to mix it up, I'll just water with plain ph adjusted water. Speaking of water, are you using chlorinated municipal or county water? If so....anti-bacterial agents added by the water company can kill or harm the helpful bacteria and fungus in your medium. I use a filter on my garden hose that is supposed to remove most chorine/chloramine from the water PLUS I occasionally use Recharge to re-nourish the beneficial organisms in your soil. And like @baked in the bluegrass said about flushing....LOL, I NEVER flush either! I feed lightly and water til I get about 20% runoff each feeding. Its more like pro-active approaches rather than re-active.

All in all, I think your plants really look fine!