New Grower Lights wore on for 48 hours. Bad?

Dec 23, 2011
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Hi, i saw yesterday night after the lights wore suposed to be turned off, that one of my homebuilt lightfix´s timer slidebutton had been moved so that the lights wore not according to the timerhours. It had been like that for two days.
I have a 18/6 lightcycle.

Can this be bad in some way?

Then i have another
question too. I have started to water my plants right before the lights go off. I am thinking that the roots have all night in the cool too absorb the water. Can i do this, or should i water in the middle of the day, or right before the lights start up?

Any thoughts on this?

I am kind of a new grower, so i want to learn as much as i can. And this forum is a great place to find out things. I have been using this forum for a while now.

Have a good day. /H.
dude its 0 degs here and my grow is im my loft. im drying and growing at the same time and with one 600w hps on 24/7 its constant 20 in there.

The plants are fine with it for some time, another guy on here riz has his on 24/7 as he is growing in the loft and hes pulled some great crops.
I have been running 24/7 because of heat issues also.
Yeah, now i need to havethe lights on 24/7, with also my 400w Cooltube i think. Becouse i have had my blue 250w CFL on for at least one week 24/7.

It it harmful to reduce the light now? Or should i put my 400w Hps on at nighttime too now?
Hi, i saw yesterday night after the lights wore suposed to be turned off, that one of my homebuilt lightfix´s timer slidebutton had been moved so that the lights wore not according to the timerhours. It had been like that for two days.
I have a 18/6 lightcycle.

Can this be bad in some way?

Then i have another
question too. I have started to water my plants right before the lights go off. I am thinking that the roots have all night in the cool too absorb the water. Can i do this, or should i water in the middle of the day, or right before the lights start up?

Any thoughts on this?

I am kind of a new grower, so i want to learn as much as i can. And this forum is a great place to find out things. I have been using this forum for a while now.

Have a good day. /H.

If your growing autos you can leave the lights on 24/0 the entire time.

When you water really has no effect as out in nature it does not rain at specific given times. If theres any effect its marginal.
Can i change it back again after the lights accidentially wore on for 3-4 days? I should really have the lights going off in the morning or noon. Right now the lights go off 1 o clock at night. And i am already asleep by them most of the time.

Can i change it so the time goes of at least two, or three hours earlier?
Your fine just go back to your normal lighting times. If a plant is say in flowering it takes weeks of 24 hour lights to revert to veg if your worried about that.
Now, the lights go off at 1 a clock at night. But i want to change it so that the plants rest a little in the middle of the day. Becouse the temp is a real problem.

Can i change it now? I have a 20/4 cycle. And i can use the cold i get at night there.
Yes, you can change it. Won't hurt the plants.
Thanks Muddy. I changed it now so it turns off during the day now. Great. I was a little afraid that i would ruin something. Would i be able to do this with photo-weed?