Lighting lighting for veg state

Aug 16, 2016
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Hi guys im Max and im new around here, i've grown few time and this is the second time i grow autos. i have a 250W HPS\MH light (its a dual). first time i grew a jack herer auto, the yield wasnt amazing (about 24g) but it was good shit. i came across this info that autos prefer blue spectrum when they veg cause red spectrum might fuck with their sex. is that true? im about to grow 4 different strains (i will elaborate if needed). should i be worried using this light? also, while at it, would you prefer starting with a 24 hours light circle or 20\4? thanks in advance. i can use all the knowledge i get!
Hi guys im Max and im new around here, i've grown few time and this is the second time i grow autos. i have a 250W HPS\MH light (its a dual). first time i grew a jack herer auto, the yield wasnt amazing (about 24g) but it was good shit. i came across this info that autos prefer blue spectrum when they veg cause red spectrum might fuck with their sex. is that true? im about to grow 4 different strains (i will elaborate if needed). should i be worried using this light? also, while at it, would you prefer starting with a 24 hours light circle or 20\4? thanks in advance. i can use all the knowledge i get!
was that auto seeds hijack? autos don't really have a veg and a flower cycle. They do both at the same time. Which makes a good case for a full spectrum light all the time. For some applications like fertilizer or other things some think of the veg cycle as the time until the plant stops stretching. But I have a plant 7 weeks old that is still growing. I always prefer 24/0. In the summer I may switch off an hour just to cool the room out. (or when someone I don't know knocks on the door.)
the seed is legit. i know they do both veg and flower the same time, what i mean is the phase that it stretches and hairs and not shown yet. also, are you saying that your 7 week plant is still growing without flowering or with? also, would you recommend to keep on giving so much light when the auto is flowering? i read that sometimes its needed to go for 12\12 to help the plant flower. it might be rare though.
thanks autogogo for your response.
the seed is legit. i know they do both veg and flower the same time, what i mean is the phase that it stretches and hairs and not shown yet. also, are you saying that your 7 week plant is still growing without flowering or with? also, would you recommend to keep on giving so much light when the auto is flowering? i read that sometimes its needed to go for 12\12 to help the plant flower. it might be rare though.
thanks autogogo for your response.
no, it started flowering at 2 weeks, but I was experimentng with some liquid fertilizer and all that did was make it taller. The one right next to it in my normal soil mix is nice and stout. yes, 24/0 germ to harvest. You can look it up. There is some confusion between c3 and c4 plants. pot needs no darkness and does better with more. photo growers confuse the total darkness needed to stimulate flowering with some kind of mythical benefit to the plant.
but as for lighting, I'm not sure anymore if it makes a tremendous difference as long as it is enough. With photos it seemed flowering lights like hps were important for bud developement and at first with autos I assumed flowering lights like led bloom cycle and cfl 2700k and hps were best all the way through since they were flowering all the way through. But now I'm not so sure. Need to ask a botanist on this one. How important is strong vegetation to the final outcome of an auto? Until then I think it is probably best to throw everything you can afford at it.
what do u mean by photo growers?
so basically u never let your autos sleep from germ to harvest? never heard of it but ill take your word for it.
also, if i can add some cfl's, t9's, whatever to the closet im growing it to your understanding its all for the better? not messing up with the plant?
thats interesting, ill throw some for sure cause 250w is no big deal for sure.