Old Reviews Life Saber Vape Review


Autoflower OG
Dec 12, 2011
Reaction score
I have a Da Buddha so I knew this vape was gonna be quality as its made by the same people.Its as good as Da Buddha hit wise....huge plooms of vapour when you hit it hard. It has a long lead very handy when passing it around friends. Overall a wicked vape that looks like a Light Saber lol


It's a bad ass vape bro..iv emailed them to see how long the discount price runs for,I'm broke at the moment but ill be flush in a few weeks and for £130 delivered,I want one :D :dance2:
Sweeeeeeeet! :dance:
Haha, that's a slick little device there. I want one as I currently have no vapes in my collection and it's probably the best way to smoke. I've used volcanos a few times and I love them but all of the other vaporizers I've tried aren't up to par. This guy just looks too hard to pass up though, after I get everything sorted out I'm adding this to my wishlist!
Looks pretty high tech indeed!
Just wish someone would make a portable vape like that.
This is more of a keep at home and and pass around the table kind.

I love my Vapir NO2 but feel there are better ones out there.

Congrats J Tang, I've been eyeing those since they came out after my Da Buddha also, though never saw the need for a semi portable version till I started seshes that weren't around a table so I had to hold Da Buddha in right hand in air and pass whip then pass back then stir then all over again with the next person. Was thinking of selling my vape for a while to stop me buying weed for awhile, as combustions just a waste and nasty, might get a Life Saber to replace when ready!

I'll back J Tangs opinion, 7th Floor products are QUALITY! Puts you right off merely smoking your herbs:check::smokebuds:
Looks pretty high tech indeed!
Just wish someone would make a portable vape like that.
This is more of a keep at home and and pass around the table kind.

I love my Vapir NO2 but feel there are better ones out there.


There are 2 fully portable vapes I have been looking at,the Vapor Blunt 2 and the Pax....both look excellent also looked at the original vapor blunt which u can get for like £100 now. Next big treat I will purchase 1,think I might start collecting vapes so expect more reviews.
I have also been eyeing out the Pax!

Looks a bit better than my Vapir.
Something you could leave out and someone would think it was a remote of some kind.

Maybe for my birthday...
I have also been eyeing out the Pax!

Looks a bit better than my Vapir.
Something you could leave out and someone would think it was a remote of some kind.

Maybe for my birthday...

True that bro.
So I turns out this vape lasts just a few weeks,the glass heat shield shattered mid bowl, contacted the seller and the makers and neither will replace the broken part. Very disappointing.