Bomb Seeds Let's visit the lizard king in the Hotel California with the Cosmic Bomb Auto!

Ozzie Greenthumb

Grow it gargantuan!
May 16, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gorilla Glue, Northern Lights
The movie will begin in five moments
The mindless voice announced
All those unseated will await the next show.
Sit back Sub up and enjoy the "TRIP"
I Germinated 2 of 5 seeds to start both seeds sank and had taproot that were huge within 48 hours. Due to my guard dog Loki (European Great Dane) breaking leg I wasn't able to get pics of the germination process, however I used the paper towel method and I must say they sure showed an eagerness that excited me about the grow!
I will be using @Greenleaf Nutrients full line megacrop, sweet candy, bud explosion, and graviton <(new product from @Greenleaf Nutrients )
I put them in ffof and within 14 hours they popped.
I will elaborate more and have more pics soon. Just a busy time harvesting others while vegging, flowering, and germinating others!
Anyway here's my 2 Cosmic bomb autos 1 is named Ruby and 1 is named Elvira!
Great updates so far, i hope your dog is all ok?
Even this early i think you are going to have two phenos there, which i must confess is a little disappointing from my point of view.....
The Auto Bomb genetics look like they have come through a bit more in "ruby". I will be watching this one closely.......
Great updates so far, i hope your dog is all ok?
Even this early i think you are going to have two phenos there, which i must confess is a little disappointing from my point of view.....
The Auto Bomb genetics look like they have come through a bit more in "ruby". I will be watching this one closely.......
Yeah he will be fine. He is gonna have to have surgery but should make a full recovery.
As for the plants, so far I am impressed. The taproots were huge in less than 18 hours and both seeds popped through within 24 hours after planting in ffof. Again thanks for the opportunity.
Sittin' in the back throwing :pop: at you :smoking:

Looks like you are off to a good start, and I hope your big pup will get through surgery ok and heal well!
Sittin' in the back throwing :pop: at you :smoking:

Looks like you are off to a good start, and I hope your big pup will get through surgery ok and heal well!
Thanks you're a sweetheart.... or if @RivetGrrl doesn't stand for a girl then you're still a sweetheart for wishing my baby well! He appreciates it!
Day [HASHTAG]#17[/HASHTAG] update! Both cosmic bomb autos are looking great! I topped Elvira and left Ruby natural. Gonna start some lst on both plants this week. Hope to have the flower tent clear soon. Anyway here's my cosmic bomb autos @BombSeeds.