Jun 29, 2016
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Good evening to all you fine peeps.

I have a 90 x 90 x 175 tent and I curently have a GN HS1 shining on 4 day old seedlings.

A HGL 100 V2 QB is arriving tomorrow and a GN Telos 0008 is arriving next week.

I'm not planning on using all of the lights at this early stage but would it be overkill for all of them to be on once the plants are well advanced....perhaps early stages of flower?

Would growing with a combination of 2 lights at various stages of growth be more beneficial?

I will be growing 4 plants in 15l fabric pots so I'm anticpating substantial LST will be required.

Any advice / sugestions most welcome.
Is that in cm?

It's gotta be that.
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Any suggestions peeps? [I'm crap with the maths!]

This is often a misunderstanding I myself have been victim of, as most of us. Reducing the wattage because your plant are small, or seedling is a huge mistake. Or course, when seedlings they are super fragile, so I'm obviously not suggesting frying them.

For simplicity's sake, lets say you are planning to run a 1000w tent in full bud production. Lots of guys will start seeds with 250w, then as plants start growing then increase to 500w, then as bud is forming ramp it to 750w and then finish off last few weeks with 1000w.

While this will certainly contain costs, as it seems like a waste of light, the fact is that plants are solar panels. The more you give it the more it will produce (in simple terms).

Imagine 2 little girls about 2 or 3 weeks from start. If you give one 1000w and the other 250w, guess what… you will save on electricity but you will also be reducing growth potential by 75%. If you ramp up plant #2 continuously, this gap will reduce as you increase wattage, but moral of the story is by harvest time plant #1 will yield huge while #2 will yield significantly less.

Hope it makes sense
Here is a grow diary I just started. I hit 16 seedlings with 880w, but had to back down. Not because of excess light, but because of temps.
Still undecided between cutting light, or making sure CO2 levels are high
Don't mean to pop anybody's bubble, or be an asshole.
But if you want major league plants grown in a tent.
I would suggest you start studying and practicing ideal VPD.
This is far more detrimental to an outstanding grow, than any other factor.
Yes, including lights.
You can actually kill the lights after 12 hours and foliar spray which keeps photosynthesis going ( less the electricity bill).
Temp & humidity are key to plant transpiration. In other words water and nute up take by the plant.
Also stronger or more light isn't necessarily a better thing.
Light spectrum counts more than intensity.
Studying PAR and DLI will help you regularly have great grows and save you a shit load of electricity.
Just say'n...
工厂仍然可以从全光谱中受益,减少热量 :thumbsup: :hothot: