Lighting LED lighting and new to Autos

Feb 16, 2019
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Currently Smoking
FB Kosher Cake, Roc Bud Grape Mints #23
k, I'm a semi experienced photoperiod indoor grower. Just growing indoors for 3 yrs now but always used regs or fems in the past.

I will be receiving some auto seed tomorrow and plan to start a new grow in days.

My question is, can I use an HLG 550V2 Rspec at full power for auto seedlings at all? Or should I dim the power in half? 480 watts from the wall in a 4 x 4 tent.

No input on whether how much seedlings can handle, as I veg everything, autos and photos, 3 weeks under T5, then give'm full blast total 650w led. They just shake it off and kick in another gear.
k, I'm a semi experienced photoperiod indoor grower. Just growing indoors for 3 yrs now but always used regs or fems in the past.

I will be receiving some auto seed tomorrow and plan to start a new grow in days.

My question is, can I use an HLG 550V2 Rspec at full power for auto seedlings at all? Or should I dim the power in half? 480 watts from the wall in a 4 x 4 tent.


550 for flower is 18-24". If you can't raise the light to around 32-36" then I would dim it. Check the ppfd charts on HLG
I'd back it off for the first couple weeks, the girls won't use it, might as well save the $. I normally start a 4x4 under 200w of cobs, and dial up to 450 once established in veg.