Indoor LED Distance as Plants Mature


El Colibri
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Greetings to all--from CG:

I am a newbie and have a couple of plants at 13 days old under a 24w BlackStar. Maintained the LED low from seeding direct to organic pots and raised it yesterday to 6 inches. Plants look good so far. Notice ambient temp is still fairly high but not dangerously--this is a closest grow with fans running. Question: As they mature any recommendations on LED distance? Lastly, I have a set of silver auto reflectors to squeeze out (if possible) some side light during latter growth--if effective. Will be active today with questions in other forums. And will have a post grow report--noting that the two strains have not been reported (one has but incomplete) on yet. You can call me CG --- Alan Smithee -- is a fiction. ;)
I'm running blackstar LEDs also. If you get bleaching you are to close. I usually raise mine to the point that I can see that the footprint of the light is covering the plant completely. To close and the outer parts of the plant will look like they are more in the shade.
Thanks ChinaRider--raised to 17 inches from top of pot to bottoom of LED fixture. Good coverage. Looks like just like you say common sense coverage. Ironically, ambient heat rose--still no problem--have fan and h2o keeping up a reasonable level of humidity which ought to protect leaves from drying. Still looks good--so far. CG
Welcome to AFN, Alan! We've got quite a few on here who use the Balckstar, so you'll get plenty of help along the way if you need it. :peace:
when using led i found that i achieved best results later in flowering by hanging the light diagonally to cover one side more thoroughly, then rotating the plants on a basis of about every 3-4 hours. it allowed the bottom growth to get quite a bit more light in the long run, and the growth was more distributed.