Greetings to all--from CG:
I am a newbie and have a couple of plants at 13 days old under a 24w BlackStar. Maintained the LED low from seeding direct to organic pots and raised it yesterday to 6 inches. Plants look good so far. Notice ambient temp is still fairly high but not dangerously--this is a closest grow with fans running. Question: As they mature any recommendations on LED distance? Lastly, I have a set of silver auto reflectors to squeeze out (if possible) some side light during latter growth--if effective. Will be active today with questions in other forums. And will have a post grow report--noting that the two strains have not been reported (one has but incomplete) on yet. You can call me CG --- Alan Smithee -- is a fiction.
I am a newbie and have a couple of plants at 13 days old under a 24w BlackStar. Maintained the LED low from seeding direct to organic pots and raised it yesterday to 6 inches. Plants look good so far. Notice ambient temp is still fairly high but not dangerously--this is a closest grow with fans running. Question: As they mature any recommendations on LED distance? Lastly, I have a set of silver auto reflectors to squeeze out (if possible) some side light during latter growth--if effective. Will be active today with questions in other forums. And will have a post grow report--noting that the two strains have not been reported (one has but incomplete) on yet. You can call me CG --- Alan Smithee -- is a fiction.