Honey Hugger ...
Hey y'all ... I currently have 5 Nirvana Blue Mystic autos and 1 Northern Light photo in their 3rd week since germinating in 3 gal pots. I am currently using a total of 480 watts (40x12 bulbs) of CFL due to heat and space. This combo has done real well for me in the past but I changed out my reflector and seriously stunted the growth of these six plants. I take delivery of 2 Advanced LED lights next week. They both offer core covverage of about 2'x2' which works perfect for my 2 spaces. I tried to time this grow to be dry enough to put in glass jars by 9/14, a date that is now just 2 months off. At 3.5 weeks my tallest is about 4 inches but healthy. I'd like to make this CFL to LED transition as smoothly as possible. Could anyone 'shine some light' on the transition. I'd like to flower the Northern Light immediately but the autos should begin to flower on their own in about a week, unless stunting them slows them down ... do I need to make the transition a gradual thing or can I just remove one set of lights and replace w/ the other ... At present my plan is for the 5 Blue Mystics to be in one space w/ the DS100 and the NL to have a space of it's own under the other light. The light I'll be using on the autos has adjustable power and color spectrum ... should I help the autos to flower by using the flowering spectrum early ? I can't afford to stunt these any further and come anywhere near being done finishing on time. I'll post pics when I figure out how. Thanks in advance for any and all advice y'all care to share.

My new lights ...
Extreme Flower

My new lights ...
Extreme Flower