New Grower Leaves curling down :/ please help

Jan 28, 2022
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My auto is 14 days old and since yesterday the leaves have been curling down more and more, at first I thought it just needed watering so I have it 2L of water with some nuts (Calmag - 1ml, FloraMicro - 0.5ml, FloraGro - 0.5ml, FloraBloom - 0.25ml, Ph - 6.3) but it hasn't changed anything, the top of the soil was dry it hadn't been watered for almost a week.
Its growing in a 5 gallon pot with Biobizz Lightmix

Any ideas what it might be ??

Day 14.jpg
@13_12 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: Your plant looks fine. It is growing rapidly and that can lead to heavy leaves. Why are you adding Cal-Mag? Bio-Bizz has Dolomite Lime so Ca additions are not usually needed for the entire grow. You do know you are fertilizing with hydroponic nutrients in organic soil?

GH Drain to Waste.jpg

You should get and use a good EC meter to determine the strength of your fertilizer because 1ml/l does not tell us anything quantifiable.

Read this to get a basic understanding of salt fertilizers.

@13_12 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: Your plant looks fine. It is growing rapidly and that can lead to heavy leaves. Why are you adding Cal-Mag? Bio-Bizz has Dolomite Lime so Ca additions are not usually needed for the entire grow. You do know you are fertilizing with hydroponic nutrients in organic soil?

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You should get and use a good EC meter to determine the strength of your fertilizer because 1ml/l does not tell us anything quantifiable.

Read this to get a basic understanding of salt fertilizers.

Thank you for the answer !
I am glad to hear there is nothing wrong with it :)
I read a couple of posts from people talking about cal-mag deficiencies when using the Biobizz light mix, but also others saying that you don't need it when using soil, should I cut the cal-mag then ?
Hmmm am I not supposed to be using these fertilisers in soil ?
Thanks for the advice I'll look into getting an ec meter ;)
I have read the post you linked multiple times and didn't fully under even though I didn't understand the whole thing it definitely has some good info :)
As you learn more about growing it will make more sense.

Yes stop using the Cal-mag for now.

I am not saying you cannot use the Trio you can but you are feeding the plant and not the soil. Lets just talk about that for a minute.

In the world Mother Nature feeds her plants mostly with the byproducts of microbes and fungi. It is a truly mind boggling process. Good soil is absolutely "Alive". Everything a plant needs other than light, air and water are provided by these living organisms. Just for the sake of concept they eat rocks and poop the other elements the plant needs and feeds it to them in the IONs the roots can absorb. It is of course very much more complex then that but you get the idea. When you feed the pot Elemental sources (rocks, shells, etc.) the microbes eat them and then feed the plant.

When you feed the pot with salt fertilizers (GH Trio) you are now feeding the plant directly - for the most part bypassing the microbes. That is because the fertilizer is already in the ION form the roots can uptake. These are exactly the same IONs that the microbes make but in much higher concentration.

Roots have the ability to regulate the elements it wants the microbes to produce by sending signals with exudates. It is complicated lets just say it calls the heard of microbes and says I want some more Potassium tomorrow. The microbe ship some more. The plant cannot call you. So we use the all or nothing approach by trying to have a good balance of what the plant might want in the soil at all times. Not too much and not too little. This is the balancing act you must learn when feeding salt nutrients in soil. When you add nutrients to soil they are there until the plant uses them. If you add too much it is very difficult to get out. So error on the light side.