Leaf Septoria/Yellow Leaf Spot

Mar 17, 2013
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Currently Smoking
Hello folks. I have what I believe is leaf septoria/yellow leaf spot. I had this problem last year and didn't realize that that's what it was, but looking back, it all kinda makes sense now. @Waira if you don't mind I'd like your opinion also. I was going to try and deal with this, but I'm actually moving, couldn't be better timing lol Apparently this can be somewhat of a pain to get rid of.


I can get more pics if need be. It's everywhere though. Sucks because, well it just sucks. Lol had 2 plants in goty, 4 I was making seed with, and 2 blue dream' matic seedlings that were just getting their feet underneath of them.
Also if you'd like I can copy and paste the information about this. I wish I would have caught it last year, I feel dumb for being so naive and ignorant.
@FullDuplex and @Unique I would value your opinions as well.
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spots on leaves

Medium/grow method:
Soil, pro-mix

Feed: and supplements used:
Megacrop, npk industries cal-mag, optic foliar (in veg, haven't used in 2 weeks)

water source:
Tap Ph'd-6.3-6.8

2 fast 2 vast, sour diesel, purple ducksfoot, and blackberry cobbler

light used:

90-100° humidity 80-100% (been muggy, with thunderstorms)

Additional info:
Just showed up out of nowhere, I strongly believe I had it last year too. After reading more about septoria, seeing how it lies dormant, and it's best to burn plants, I have a strong suspicion that's what this is. I also re-used soil from last year on one plant and have some of last year's soil in the flower bed, kinda surrounded by the stuff. I'm actually in the middle of moving, so that's kinda a win for me lol

Thanks @Dudeski I didn't see this layout when creating the thread, would have filled out sooner, just been busy with packing and all.
How much dew are you getting on the plant?
Dew on the daily. Lol They get early morning sun, so it's not on them too long, I try and give them a shake early on also. The weather has been crazy. It was kinda cool (low 70s) about a week ago, then just heat and rain simultaneously. Humidity is 75% and up the rest of the season for the most part. If it wasn't for seeing it last year I probably wouldn't know what it was, but I put 2 and 2 together. I actually had it mid season too, then got it again at the end of the season, and I honestly, at first thought it was an auto thing lmao this is only my third year. Harvest outdoors weren't always the greatest. This is just the beginning of it, it gets alot worse. I'm trying to find some if last year's mid season and end season plants so I can show what it looks like as it progresses.
yup,the conditions are prime for a variety of such attacks,... best get some garden/food safe fungicide, Neem oil, copper based spray,... lots of choices! ...it's a war, not a battle mate,.. bug bites open the tissues up for easy access too, unavoidable outside, I know well! :doh:
yup,the conditions are prime for a variety of such attacks,... best get some garden/food safe fungicide, Neem oil, copper based spray,... lots of choices! ...it's a war, not a battle mate,.. bug bites open the tissues up for easy access too, unavoidable outside, I know well! :doh:
I've since cut the affected leaves off, and sprayed neem on the ones that weren't too far into flower. I'm actually moving, I'm leaving them with a friend to avoid having the issue. I can only grow indoors where I'm going, and didn't want to start a new grow and tent with the problem. I wish I knew last year, I would have dealt with things differently. Thanks for replying. @Dudeski sent me, he speaks highly of you. Again I apologize for not filling the form out first, I didn't read before posting lol dudeski pointed that out for me.
:pass: no apologies mate, it's not like there's a neon sign directing you there! Mainly, to untangle the problem, and diagnose, all the details I can get aid in this and usually point out what went wrong,... Roger that on the move-- :goodluck:... just remember, try not to open up anything for pathogens to get in, including whole leaf removal,... usually infected leaves become sickly enough that the plant will shed them on it's own,.... Dudeski-- :pimp: -- the man tries to keep me busy! :rofl: :pighug:
:pass: no apologies mate, it's not like there's a neon sign directing you there! Mainly, to untangle the problem, and diagnose, all the details I can get aid in this and usually point out what went wrong,... Roger that on the move-- :goodluck:... just remember, try not to open up anything for pathogens to get in, including whole leaf removal,... usually infected leaves become sickly enough that the plant will shed them on it's own,.... Dudeski-- :pimp: -- the man tries to keep me busy! :rofl: :pighug:

I do my best!