Leaf Septoria, cal/mag or phosphorus?!

Jul 26, 2020
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Hey guys, these are a few of my autoflowers a couple weeks into flower. Over the last week I’ve noticed some changes in the coloring of the leaves. I’m running on 300 watt LEDs. My soil is a 70% FFOF and 30% perlite grown in 3 gallon pots. One is a 5 gallon. Run off Ph is about 6.7. 18/6 light cycle watered about twice a week until run off. Just started a cal/mag and tiger bloom feeding this week after thinking I may be running into a calcium, magnesium or phosphorus def. Now I’m thinking maybe magnese or leaf septoria because I’m seeing spots on some new leaves closer to the top. Any ideas?
@DaleDenton :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:. Yes something is amiss. FFOF unfortunately is a real wildcard in the nutrient puzzle.

Fox Farms Soil.jpg

Before we puzzle this out I need some more information because environmental factors can cause this as well.
Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)

-Problem: (brief description)
-Medium/grow method: soil; soilless-- coco, or peat based like Promix, etc. (please provide the actual product name); DWC, NFT, etc.
-Feed and supplements used: include brand, dosage/strength, frequency of feeding and watering (alone); method-- by hand, drippers, rercirc' or drain-to-waste,... N-P-K #'s too if you can!
-Water source: RO/DI; tap- dechlorinated-?..... EC or TDS reading; pH (don't bother with this on RO/DI, do bother with TDS/EC though to confirm it's working well enough)
-Strain and age
-Climate: night and day ambient T and RH%; res' temperatures; any extremes in T/RH% exposure
- Light used: HID, LED, COB, combo of,... wattage; light cycle hours (20/4, 18/6 , etc.); distance to tops....
-Additional info: PH in the root zone. How long have the plants been affected?...How fast did symptoms appear?... Anything else you think might be relevant..

--Pictures including WHOLE PLANT PICS, and troubled leaves.. use normal light or flash as other light sources ruin color rendering, critical for diagnostics!

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Medium/grow method:

Feed: and supplements used:

water source:

PH in the root zone:


light used:


Additional info:
@DaleDenton :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:. Yes something is amiss. FFOF unfortunately is a real wildcard in the nutrient puzzle.

View attachment 1220079

Before we puzzle this out I need some more information because environmental factors can cause this as well.
Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)

-Problem: (brief description)
-Medium/grow method: soil; soilless-- coco, or peat based like Promix, etc. (please provide the actual product name); DWC, NFT, etc.
-Feed and supplements used: include brand, dosage/strength, frequency of feeding and watering (alone); method-- by hand, drippers, rercirc' or drain-to-waste,... N-P-K #'s too if you can!
-Water source: RO/DI; tap- dechlorinated-?..... EC or TDS reading; pH (don't bother with this on RO/DI, do bother with TDS/EC though to confirm it's working well enough)
-Strain and age
-Climate: night and day ambient T and RH%; res' temperatures; any extremes in T/RH% exposure
- Light used: HID, LED, COB, combo of,... wattage; light cycle hours (20/4, 18/6 , etc.); distance to tops....
-Additional info: PH in the root zone. How long have the plants been affected?...How fast did symptoms appear?... Anything else you think might be relevant..

--Pictures including WHOLE PLANT PICS, and troubled leaves.. use normal light or flash as other light sources ruin color rendering, critical for diagnostics!

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Medium/grow method:

Feed: and supplements used:

water source:

PH in the root zone:


light used:


Additional info:
sorry, i'm just seeing this now! i did a flush Tuesday, things like maybe a little better, but i'm still getting leaves turning. i'm thinking Phosphorus deficiency due to lockout.


Medium/grow method: 7) FFOF, 30 Perlite

Feed: and supplements used: 1 tsp/gal CalMag Plus (2-0-0), Fox Farm Tigerbloom .5 tsp/gal (2-8-4), Fox Farm Big Bloom 1tsp/gal (0-.5-.7), all mixed once a week. straight Ph watered once two twice a week depending on each plants needs. always by hand until about 5-10% run off, maybe less.

water source: Always use dechlorinated tap (sat in sun for 24 hours) between 6.2-6.7 Ph

PH in the root zone: last run off before flush was 6.7

Strain/age: currently the issues are a Fast Buds Gorilla Glue, Fast Buds Girl Scout Cookies, and Barneys Wedding Cake auto. All at 6 weeks about 2-3 weeks into flower.

light used: Mars Hydro TSW2000 300 watt draw from the wall, 18/6 light cycle, about 13 inches from tops.

Climate: day time temp: 77-82, Rh around 55-60, night temps 68-73 Rh around 60-65

Additional info: initially thought i was suffering from Calcium and/or magnesium about a week ago. Starting feeding normal Cal/Mag plus doses at 1 tsp about a week ago. Symptoms started and came into full affect within 5 days i'd say. again, sorry for the late response!
It looks like you are missing the Grow Big nutrient? All three of the minimum nutrient regime are required. They need to be applied in balance. By that I mean The chart shows Week 6 at 3 tsp. Big Bloom, 2 tsp. Grow Big and 2 tsp. of Tiger Bloom per gallon. So let say you want 50% strength for a fertigation that means you apply 1.5 tsp. Big Bloom, 1 tsp. Grow Big and 1 tsp. of Tiger Bloom per gallon. This keeps the balance of nutrients the vendor intended.

Adding too much calcium can cause lockouts as well as a deficiency with not enough. I am thinking you may have too much but it is hard to tell. The PH is ok for soil but I would try to nudge it a little lower. 6.3 -6.4.


Since you already flushed did you add back in some beneficial microbes and fungi back in - Mykos etc.?

It looks like you are missing the Grow Big nutrient? All three of the minimum nutrient regime are required. They need to be applied in balance. By that I mean The chart shows Week 6 at 3 tsp. Big Bloom, 2 tsp. Grow Big and 2 tsp. of Tiger Bloom per gallon. So let say you want 50% strength for a fertigation that means you apply 1.5 tsp. Big Bloom, 1 tsp. Grow Big and 1 tsp. of Tiger Bloom per gallon. This keeps the balance of nutrients the vendor intended.

Adding too much calcium can cause lockouts as well as a deficiency with not enough. I am thinking you may have too much but it is hard to tell. The PH is ok for soil but I would try to nudge it a little lower. 6.3 -6.4.

View attachment 1220980

Since you already flushed did you add back in some beneficial microbes and fungi back in - Mykos etc.?

yeah, i'm going to try and lower the Ph of my soil. i flushed with 6.2Ph water so hopefully that helped my case a little bit. i have the grow big nutrient, i didn't add it because i felt i was too late and didn't want to shock the plants with nutrients as i didn't start them on a regimen until about week 4. I will start back next water probably in two days, once they've had some time to drink whats in the pots, with the values you suggested and hold off on the cal/mag. i did get a bloom microbe called RAW Bloom by NPK Industries that was recommended to me. i haven't added it yet because i got it after the flush and wanted a second opinion on if it would be appropriate to add it of if it would just make things worse.
yeah, i'm going to try and lower the Ph of my soil. i flushed with 6.2Ph water so hopefully that helped my case a little bit. i have the grow big nutrient, i didn't add it because i felt i was too late and didn't want to shock the plants with nutrients as i didn't start them on a regimen until about week 4. I will start back next water probably in two days, once they've had some time to drink whats in the pots, with the values you suggested and hold off on the cal/mag. i did get a bloom microbe called RAW Bloom by NPK Industries that was recommended to me. i haven't added it yet because i got it after the flush and wanted a second opinion on if it would be appropriate to add it of if it would just make things worse.
I have most of the NPK Industries RAW products on hand to use in case I need to bump my base nutrients. I have taken Harley Smith's Master gardener classes. The Raw Bloom is 3-12-12. Do not add that to the Fox Farm nutrients. It will push you out of balance. Just finish out this grow with the fox farm nutes, the more of those fox farm products on that chart you have the better.

I know it is crazy to have so many products when GreenLeaf Mega Crop 3.0 has most all of it in 1 part.

edit: If you have the RAW Microbes - Bloom Stage then by all means use them.
I have most of the NPK Industries RAW products on hand to use in case I need to bump my base nutrients. I have taken Harley Smith's Master gardener classes. The Raw Bloom is 3-12-12. Do not add that to the Fox Farm nutrients. It will push you out of balance. Just finish out this grow with the fox farm nutes, the more of those fox farm products on that chart you have the better.

I know it is crazy to have so many products when GreenLeaf Mega Crop 3.0 has most all of it in 1 part.

edit: If you have the RAW Microbes - Bloom Stage then by all means use them.
yes thats exactly what i have! would it be beneficial in helping the plant take up possible locked out nutrients in your opinion? what are you thoughts on the fox farms nutrients and soils? i was considering moving to something different for my next grow
It depends on the kind of grower you want to be. Hydroponics are the most demanding in a home setting. It needs attention every day and sometimes several times a day. I think DWC grows the best plants and can be somewhat automated but you really cannot be away more than a day or two. Organic soil is the next hardest and time consuming to do it right. Good homemade soil takes a year to cook and you only get 1 plant per use. This may be the best overall plant but DWC is nearly identical if done well. Theoretically you could set everything to auto and come back at harvest time in a water only grow. If you want laid back growing use @autobeast Bio-bizz Light method. I think you could get away for a week with automated drip of nutrients. His method is tried and true. He has a green thumb and has learned by trial and error to evolve to what he is doing now. I think it is a very copy-able to your environment. No matter which way you go there is a learning curve. Once you get past the initial tasks it gets easier.

What direction sounds good to you?

i was thinking about possibly doing a soil less charged nutrients, maybe just some a colder soil with less nutes and just add them from the beggining. to be honest it sounds easier to me than guessing with FFOF when the nutes might be all used up and fear of burning. unfortunately as a newbie DWC is a little intimidating to me. maybe i'll work my way up some day. i don't mind being hands on in my garden. i love going in to check on them, so automation isn't really a must. its kind of therapeutic for me to sit back and water. I was thinking maybe a roots organic next grow with just added nutes every other watering.