Larfy/ airy buds in organic outdoor grow. What gives?

Feb 20, 2018
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I’ve got a number of plants in my grow, 2 Alien v Triangles and 2 Hubbabubbasmelloscopes, that really aren’t putting on much heft. They started flowering 4-5 weeks ago. The plants look healthy and are not showing any signs of deficiency. I know these plants are sativa leaning but I see pics out there and folks are definitely growing these same strains with denser buds. Any thoughts?

I did give them a shot of fish a little late during stretch - 1/4 cup fish hydrolysate.That feels suspect to me now but I guess I’m surprised if that would cause what I’m seeing now.

I had 5 yards of recycled soil that i remended with 2.5 KIS nutrient packs, a yard of compost, and maybe 30 gallons of worm compost. temps Mostly in the 70’s and 80’s with occasional 90’s. They get 9 ish hours of direct sunlight per day.

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Low relative humidity? My outdoor autos never look or put out like my indoor, always larfy in comparison, have always tossed it up to environment given their indoor sisters look nothing like them. Outdoor 6 to 8 hrs of direct light is about all I can get here, indoor they're getting almost 3x that... Haven't run those exact strains, but have run a ton of Meph gear... How much lighting are they getting? The single leaf and tri leaf are a bit odd... almost like a genetic issue.
Low relative humidity? My outdoor autos never look or put out like my indoor, always larfy in comparison, have always tossed it up to environment given their indoor sisters look nothing like them. Outdoor 6 to 8 hrs of direct light is about all I can get here, indoor they're getting almost 3x that... Haven't run those exact strains, but have run a ton of Meph gear... How much lighting are they getting? The single leaf and tri leaf are a bit odd... almost like a genetic issue.
Its been pretty hot here and RH is usually above 50%. Probably about 9 hours per day of direct sunlight.

yeah the single and tri leaf thing caught my eye early on - only an issue with the AVT. I also know that stress can sometimes cause that but I can’t imagine what would have done that in my case as all my other strains did pretty well. I am new to autos and assume that Mephisto gear is pretty rock solid. but two of my 3 AVT’s have this issue...
There are sooo many factors involved.. It would be incredibly hard to guess what the cause could be. First questions that come to mind are, How many hours of sunlight is it getting, and what are the temps like?
Hot and humid will have the buds normally more airy to help with airflow, 50% is on the high side...

I have a product I use with photos that is crab and shrimp based, I don't use with autos.... I see some bizarre caylx formations when I have.
Given your running 3 AVTs, I'd look for differences, 1 gets shaded when the others don't... something... if there isn't anything, could just be a genetic issue. And yes, Meph has some rockin' gear, I've run a lot of their stuff, never the AVT tho. Only strain I won't rerun is blue Toof.
Might feeding some P-K/bloom supplement help? Also, there are bloom supplement products that claim to be bud 'hardeners.' Most of these look to be P-K supplements boosted with kelp/algae extracts (or other growth factor additives) and sometimes some micronutrients; and there look to be a good number claiming to be 'natural' and/or 'organic.'
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