New Grower Lady with a light leak question?

Jan 5, 2015
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Hi all, i have been tossing this factor around in my head latley and a friend/grower and i had a big convo about this soo i thought id put it out there and see what others think.
soo in a nut shell i would just like to hear your thoughts on light leaks? i have grown photo sensi in the past and whenever there seems to be an issue of any kind the 1st thing people say is check for light leaks. lol it has been my experience that usually its a nute or ph issue and has nothing to do with light leaks. do you belive that a small light leak is enough to stress a plant? in nature there is always ambient light no?....
anyway id love to hear as many thoughts...theroies..opinions as possible as i may use the info gained here to write a article for a local 420 mag!
hmm good question, wouldnt be able to say for a fact but doesnt ganja need direct sun light or lamp light, so a slight leak of light in to you room if its on a dark period wouldnt matter that much. but as growers were not only trying to replicate its natural habbitat were also trying to perfect it by controlled methods so thats prob why people dont like leaks etc
Imo light leaks while growing photoperiods indoors can stress them out and cause them to herm, I believe when they are outside the light from the moon isn't enough to cause it to herm or cause issues :Sharing One:
I had a hermie issue, light leak or conditions what ever caused it. Buttt I found a product called optic foliar switch. My nanners dried up turned brown and disappeared. Now I don't have a hermie problem anymore!!! Thank god
Imo any number of things can cause a plant to hermie ei. Heat stress..low rh etc. How can we be sure that light leaks are really as bad as a lot of growers make them out be? Or is it just a scape goat diagnosis?
thanks guys! that was kind of what i was getting at jt. how bad of a light leak would it take to actually hermie a plant? i know growers try to hermie plants on purpose at times...i wonder if anyone has tried to use light leaks to do so?
I've grown photos outdoors with Street lights, porch lights, lights from Windows, and any other kind of light shining all night long, and have never had a problem. I've never grown a photo indoors though, so I really couldn't say. I honestly think it's one of those "optimum conditions for best results" kind of thing. But I'm often wrong.

That's why I love my autos. I'm more concerned about light leaking OUT and causing suspicion. :)
Well, there's a lot of factors that go into light leaks being bad. As always it's not that simple. Indoors, a light leak can be a horrible thing. Inside plants are coddled and haven't build up strength like outdoor plants have. Outdoor plants face greater temperature fluctuations, light exposure of leaks from the beginning of their life to the end, and the outdoor girls get strengthened by winds.

It's also a matter of lifelong exposure to the light "leaks" that they face. An outdoor plant is exposed to this from the beginning. It spent it's whole life exposed to the moon, street lamp, stars, ect, so it's used to it and it's a part of it's routine. An indoor plant has a very specific light schedule and if you suddenly interrupt that with a leak at some point in it's life it will throw it off.

I have also had street lamps fuck with my outdoor plants. Last year my asshole drunk neighbor a few houses down decided to put in a flood light and leave it on all night. This is fine in a rural setting but a huge fuck you in a city. The light caused a significant delay in flowering for my backyard girls and as a result they went way longer than they should have and drug on into mold season. I also ended up with a few seeds in my buds somehow, most likely that fucking light. That isn't the first year that a light has fucked up my plants either.

So yeah, circumstance depending a light leak can be a real pain in the ass. That's why all the best growers and pro setups are light sealed, it's not a gimmick or a scape goat.