Old Reviews Kind Soil Review - Pop22


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Top Medium used with kindsoil:

simple organic soil: black soil, coco coir, composted manure, worm castings, lime, epsom salts.

PH of water given to plant/s in Kindsoil:

6.7 - 6.9

Additives used in conjunction with Kindsoil:


How big of container did you use:

2.5 gallon

How many pounds of Kindsoil did you use in your size of container:


Auto or Photo and strain used in KindSoil: This would be a good photo opportunity:thumbsup:

Auto - Sweet Seeds Ice Cool ( first plants were both males of another strain )

Method of Germination:

4 hour soak, paper towel till 1/2" root, transplant to Root Makers starter pot for 10 days, then transplant to final pot

Lighting system used with Kindsoil:

The Sun!!

Final yield: optional

will update

Any deficiencies with the Kindsoil:

Plants were badly mutated, can't gauge anything about them by looks.. did end up with MAYBE an ounce of dry bud between the two plants, and fine looking bud at that!

Final thoughts of use with Kindsoil:

There is no way for me to give any fair evaluation as the plant were genetically damaged. In general though, based on the quality of the buds, there may be real potential in this organic soil amendment.

I'll do a personal test indoors this winter. And those 2 little plants couldn't have put much of a dent in those nutrients, I'll blend it all together with some fresh soil and use it again!

Kind soil appears to be a very potent, organic, plant nutrient mix. It may not be suitable for all autos, some are known to be picky, though I've only run into a couple.
Great review pop! Thanks for that! max reppage for a solid review and journal! Enjoy the smoke!:thumbsup:
I'm waiting to try it! A bit afraid of turning into a Ninja Turtle though.......

Great review pop! Thanks for that! max reppage for a solid review and journal! Enjoy the smoke!:thumbsup:
I have had plants twist up and mutate from me using too much mushroom compost in soil before. It could have been the soil that mutated your plants.
these were actual genetic aberrations, the sprouted in just soil and even the cotyledons were deformed.

I have had plants twist up and mutate from me using too much mushroom compost in soil before. It could have been the soil that mutated your plants.