Live Stoner Chat Just Another Introduction

Mar 25, 2012
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So, after lurking around for a month or two I decided to finally sign up and join the lovely world of AFN. Some of you might've already seen me in the infirmary or the picture forum, for those of you who have not, I'm a newly hatched grower.

Like many of you, I decided to grow my own marijuana for the main reason to stop having to contact these street thugs and ending up in the wrong company. I have always been against harder drugs and have been smoking this lovely plant for roughly seven years now. My favorite strain so far is the beautiful Hawaiian Snow, can't wait till they (you fantastic innovative guys) make an auto-cross out of it!

Growing up I had many friends who dealt with drugs, some ended up in jail, others unfortunately passed away. I never supported their way of living, but who am I to judge? All I could do was to show them I cared. I smoke for the reason to ease my pain, both physically and mentally but also for the joy it brings. I have several problems, amongst them, problem with my intestines and I also suffer from a deep depression. Funny thing, my psychologist actually supports my habit even though she can't say it out loud.

My dream is to become a writer and that's mainly what I do during the days since I quit my job a year ago. I used to work at a slaughterhouse, need I say more?

English isn't my native language but I hope you understand enough of what I write, otherwise, please let me know. For those who've made it through the entire text, I hope to get acquainted with you soon.

// Megatron

Forgot to mention my grow area. I grow in a very small tent, 30x30x60cm, I'm not realy sure how much that is in inches, guessing about 12x12x24 (if that's how you type it?). And I grow under a 50W LED but I also have a small area for younglings 52W CFL.

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:smokebuds:Nice to have you with us.Just give a holler when you decide to start your grow.
Actually almost done with my first batch, but thank you very much namvet.

// Megatron
Welcome Megatron. Nice introduction. BTY your written English is superb.
That was anything but a normal introduction. It was excellently written with a lovely sense of who you are. A very warm welcome to you.

I hope your writing is going well and I hope your grow will give you plenty of fine smoke for the coming months.

I once read a book called The Alchemist. Have you read it ? I was so moved by this book that I wrote to the author. Imagine my surprise when I got a reply (probably not him, but still a reply)

The reply was:
“Always follow your dreams, and fight for them with faith. Let love be your guide in every moment of your life”

I Look forward to your future grows and future posts.

All the best

Thank you Alan Smithee and oldboy for your kind words.

I have actually studied literature at the university and if that wasn't answere to your question oldboy, then yes, I have read The Alchemist. Very kind of the publisher to send you a reply, that book has been an inspiration to many. It's a great book to get your brain working.
Reading is also a great passion of mine, if you ever are looking for a book to read, let me know and I might have a tip or two. That goes to all you people on AFN.

By the way, oldboy as in the movie Oldboy? Fantasic movie, I take it you've seen the whole vengeance trilogy then?

// Megatron
Nice intro megatron...:thumbs: Welcome to the site...Hope you enjoy the great members we have and the Karma on the site, which is incredible...
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Sorry to say I haven’t seen the film or the trilogy. I must search this out and have a look.

The name Oldboy came from my days in London. My friends and I would always great each other with “Good day Oldboy” or “Spiffing Oldbean” Allot of people take it that I’m a granddad but I’m not that old just yet.

Reading a great short story at the moment called Airframe by Michael Crichton. Excellent little read.

I would definitely like some book recommendations. My top two books for the year so far are.

Siddhartha by Herman Hesse

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

I recently was given an e-reader so I have been reading more than ever and I have couple of hundred downloaded books to get through.

The girls look great, Is that a UFO led ? How did you find growing with the LED.?
All the best
Welcome aboard Megatron you will find there are a lot of good people here. Your English is very good and I do hope you do decide to make this your green home, best of luck to you. KG
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Welcome to the AFN, Megatron :smoke:I love to read, to take a break from reality. The only downside is that the more interesting the book is the faster I run out of pages haha My latest read was The Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks. Loved every word from it.
Good luck with your grows man