Just A Weirdo?

Aug 29, 2019
Reaction score
This is my second grow.
My setup:
600 watt Roleadro Full Spectrum LED (not the blurple kind). 200 watt actual draw.
18/6 cycle, 24" from tops
6" exhaust fan and carbon filter. Passive intake creates a respectable amount of leaf movement, so no active circulation at the moment, but I have a couple fans in there for later in Flowering.

3 gallon fabric pots, FF Coco Loco Soil mix (NOT pure Coco, it's soil with Coco & Perlite).

Tap water, pH from faucet anywhere from 6.6 to 8.3 depending on the day. Checked with frequently calibrated pH pen.
Gen. Hydro pH Up or Down used after adding nutes to hit 6.5.
Been adding 1tsp FF Grow Big, 1tsp FF Big Bloom, 1tsp Cal Mag 2-0-0 (can't remember brand) every 4 or 5 days since about 10 days old. Last feed was about .5 gallons. No foliar feeding.

Indoor grow, 36"x20" tent. Temps steady about 74, RH steady about 50%, no signs of any kind of bugs.

Seedsman NL Auto, 26 days from breaking soil, no preflowers yet.

I planted 2 of these, one had the seed head stuck on (I probably planted too shallow). While attempting to remove it with tweezers, I accidentally took the cotyledons with it, but 2 gnarly true leaves were still hanging on. Ok, I figured that was it, it was dead. But since I had the space and the leaves were greenish, and it's...difficult...to get seeds here, I let it ride. Now, 26 days in, the poor abused sprout is actually growing at a respectable rate considering it's early difficulties. However, it's color has been splotchy since day 1 and leaf edges often come in twisted (although they usually straighten out mostly), despite the overall plant displaying perky body language. The darker parts of the leaves are the same color as the healthy sibling, the lighter patches are what's weird. The healthy sibling is doing really well, topped and LST'd at the moment, so she looks really short in the pic.

It just occurred to me that it could have something infectious, and I don't want my healthy plants getting anything.

What do y'all think?

After removing seed shell:

26 days old:

Leaf close-ups:

Healthy and Mutant together:
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Could it be a touch of nitrogen toxicity? If she's behind the others, maybe you need to dial down the ec on your feeds a bit for her.

I had a mutant meph Gold Glue on this grow. She started all mental with wonky leaves and grew to be a monster! Although she did have some albino patches.

Stick with her and she'll see you right!

always learning...
this is a fairly common color mottling we see in seedlings here,.. some do OK, other not so much, so it's your call to keep or cull,... nothing will fix this, and if it's still showing at this point, it's unlikely to go away....