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Decarboxylation of cannabis: scientific info about temps and times:
My choco recipe... lemme throw some updates in too...
JM's KISS Choco Recipe:
Cannabis Chocolate Recipe
What you need:
(1) Digital Temp probe
(3) hersheys dark chocolate or some other HARD chocolae... important for "cocolates" instead of syrup.. hehe
(5) 12 4.25 OZ Hershey's Dark Choco Bars (again you can substitue here... but make sure its a hard candy bar)
(1) lb canna coconut oil best for health reasons as well as its freeze temp 2 76 degrees... important for hard chocolates againn.
(1) Use a pressure cooker... @ 12 psi or 242 deg f @ sea level
(2) Ice cube trays 9 (i like small ones - mine hold 5 cc)
obviously a stirring utensil
Make Canna coco oil like butter)butter (stronger is reccomended... but dont kill urself either! lol its just that it gets diluted by the
chocolate, however, bear in mind I use my trimmings and no actual budd in my recipes ATM - I usually use 8 or 9 OZ
of trim for 2 lb butter [4 - 4.5 oz per lb butter])
Update: i like 1 lb of bud trim mix for 1 32 oz coconut oil jar
Boil for a minmimum 3 hours at 12 PSI achieved in a pressure cooker.
Observe all safety precautions with pressure cookers. Learn and understand how yours works. I'd hate to see anyone get hurt.
Alternatively... in a crockpot for 24 hours... stirring occasionally... longer gets more thc out..
I find the PC method keeps smells down a bit more once you achieve lockup under pressure. which i good for obvious secuirty reasons.
i use a Potato Ricer to press oil from the veg matter at the end...
use a strainer of some sort to collect all the plant matter you can ... and strain it wit the ricer.
then leave the whole package in the fridge overnight...
it will cool like butter and you'll have a solid block on top of canna coco oil.
break the chunks into a pan and heat it slowly always stirring occasionally .
you'll have to keep an eye on temp... leave the top off so water can evaporate. the idea here is to "clarify' the oil... in other words... we're going to boil the oil until the water evaporates out. it will be obvious on the temperature guage... you'll see it depart from the 210 - 212 range quite suddenly when it finally starts to go clear...
i let it climb to 250.... then shut off heat... stirring occasionally afterward...
when it drops back to 200 or so... add 16 tablespoons of lecithin usually derived from soy0 this is a powder... get at health food stores.
after thoroughly stirring in the lecithin... keep an eye on the temp... i find around 110 degrees is good... no heat still...
break your bars up in small pieces... i do it by hand but a knife would prob be quicker. the smaller the better of course.
begin stirring in with the warm oil. finish stirring in
Use 1 32 oz jar canna coco oil
mix with 6 of 12 Hersey's dark chocolate 4.25 oz bars
ok... so mix the oil and chocolate ... in fact melt the oil to about 110 degrees and shut the burner
completely off. (I wont tell ya what to do in your kitchen, but if you're not used to careful low temp control, then
I reccomend using a double boiler as chocolate is a near solid and high sugar content and therefore burns easily
Also, make sure that your utensils are completly dry as chocolate "BINDS" when water is introduced and you have
worked way to hard to get canna-butter and screw this up now!)
a regular pot on the stove is fine... but you must vbe very careful on temps and settings.
then add the chocolate chips a little at a time stirring in
the oil and choco will begin to blend...
ok so at this point you've go the chocolate chips and oil stirred into what looks like liquid chocolate. the
temps should be dropping to about 95 degrees F 'ish typically.
So nows the tricky part:
You want to let the temp drop to about 95
so now break the candy bars into chunks (the little blocks they make imprinted in the big bars (these are the 4.5 oz
bars BTW) dont break them up to fine... the idea is to get a coalition of temps and crystal-forming chocolate
(chocolate must be tempered to get a hard candy... if you dont do this you'll get chcocolate that you cant hold in
you fingers without looking like your wrist shit itself!
so crystal forming happens at 86-88 degress F
so the trick is to get the chocolate bars ur adding to cool the choco to about 88 degrees so you have time for the
other 2 degree drop to be slow so the choco can form more crystals, and, therefore temper.
so you should really have a digital temp guage for this... stir the hard candy bars in slow... its ok if they aren't
melting totally... i usually let them slow melt after a few good stirs... this allows a temp gradient between the
cold bar pieces and the liquid choco... hopefully some parts odf that will be at ideal (86-88 deg) crystal temps..
basically stir occasionally every 10-15 mintues... may take 3 or so hours to finish blending the choco and forming
crystals. if you need to reheat it just a touch for the next process of making chunks... thats ok... but dont
exceed 100 degress... i find it works better at about 90 anyway, as it thickens enough to stick to the spoon a
little for "dolloping" which is different than galloping on one of mossy's dragons™! anywho...
ok... I use ice cube trays for chunks ATM... (gonna get choco molds when the $$ allows)...
then fill each cube slot with the choco.. still stirring the batch occasionally for consistency. fill the cube
slots... and put in fridge for at least 1 hour. then they can be broken from molds with a little gently flexing. (twist the tray like you would to release ice cubes)
do some testing when its liquid... see what a tsp does for you... wait 2 hours... try another... figure out what a dose is for you... then pick an appropriate mold..
its a good idea to do this for dosing purposes... espcially if you make a strong oil!
OK, I reccomend you keep em frigged... enjoy.. 1 at a time and wait at least 1.5 hours after eating to be sure of
the full effects... TRUST ME! Better is eaten with some other food... gives alittle something besides sugar and
choco for your stomach to digest and deliver. also, remember... cannibis when eaten is 4x stronger than smoked.. THC
Decarboxylation of cannabis: scientific info about temps and times:
My choco recipe... lemme throw some updates in too...
JM's KISS Choco Recipe:
Cannabis Chocolate Recipe
What you need:
(1) Digital Temp probe
(3) hersheys dark chocolate or some other HARD chocolae... important for "cocolates" instead of syrup.. hehe
(5) 12 4.25 OZ Hershey's Dark Choco Bars (again you can substitue here... but make sure its a hard candy bar)
(1) lb canna coconut oil best for health reasons as well as its freeze temp 2 76 degrees... important for hard chocolates againn.
(1) Use a pressure cooker... @ 12 psi or 242 deg f @ sea level
(2) Ice cube trays 9 (i like small ones - mine hold 5 cc)
obviously a stirring utensil
Make Canna coco oil like butter)butter (stronger is reccomended... but dont kill urself either! lol its just that it gets diluted by the
chocolate, however, bear in mind I use my trimmings and no actual budd in my recipes ATM - I usually use 8 or 9 OZ
of trim for 2 lb butter [4 - 4.5 oz per lb butter])
Update: i like 1 lb of bud trim mix for 1 32 oz coconut oil jar
Boil for a minmimum 3 hours at 12 PSI achieved in a pressure cooker.
Observe all safety precautions with pressure cookers. Learn and understand how yours works. I'd hate to see anyone get hurt.
Alternatively... in a crockpot for 24 hours... stirring occasionally... longer gets more thc out..
I find the PC method keeps smells down a bit more once you achieve lockup under pressure. which i good for obvious secuirty reasons.

i use a Potato Ricer to press oil from the veg matter at the end...
use a strainer of some sort to collect all the plant matter you can ... and strain it wit the ricer.
then leave the whole package in the fridge overnight...
it will cool like butter and you'll have a solid block on top of canna coco oil.
break the chunks into a pan and heat it slowly always stirring occasionally .
you'll have to keep an eye on temp... leave the top off so water can evaporate. the idea here is to "clarify' the oil... in other words... we're going to boil the oil until the water evaporates out. it will be obvious on the temperature guage... you'll see it depart from the 210 - 212 range quite suddenly when it finally starts to go clear...
i let it climb to 250.... then shut off heat... stirring occasionally afterward...
when it drops back to 200 or so... add 16 tablespoons of lecithin usually derived from soy0 this is a powder... get at health food stores.
after thoroughly stirring in the lecithin... keep an eye on the temp... i find around 110 degrees is good... no heat still...
break your bars up in small pieces... i do it by hand but a knife would prob be quicker. the smaller the better of course.
begin stirring in with the warm oil. finish stirring in
Use 1 32 oz jar canna coco oil
mix with 6 of 12 Hersey's dark chocolate 4.25 oz bars
ok... so mix the oil and chocolate ... in fact melt the oil to about 110 degrees and shut the burner
completely off. (I wont tell ya what to do in your kitchen, but if you're not used to careful low temp control, then
I reccomend using a double boiler as chocolate is a near solid and high sugar content and therefore burns easily
Also, make sure that your utensils are completly dry as chocolate "BINDS" when water is introduced and you have
worked way to hard to get canna-butter and screw this up now!)
a regular pot on the stove is fine... but you must vbe very careful on temps and settings.
then add the chocolate chips a little at a time stirring in
the oil and choco will begin to blend...
ok so at this point you've go the chocolate chips and oil stirred into what looks like liquid chocolate. the
temps should be dropping to about 95 degrees F 'ish typically.
So nows the tricky part:
You want to let the temp drop to about 95
so now break the candy bars into chunks (the little blocks they make imprinted in the big bars (these are the 4.5 oz
bars BTW) dont break them up to fine... the idea is to get a coalition of temps and crystal-forming chocolate
(chocolate must be tempered to get a hard candy... if you dont do this you'll get chcocolate that you cant hold in
you fingers without looking like your wrist shit itself!

so crystal forming happens at 86-88 degress F
so the trick is to get the chocolate bars ur adding to cool the choco to about 88 degrees so you have time for the
other 2 degree drop to be slow so the choco can form more crystals, and, therefore temper.
so you should really have a digital temp guage for this... stir the hard candy bars in slow... its ok if they aren't
melting totally... i usually let them slow melt after a few good stirs... this allows a temp gradient between the
cold bar pieces and the liquid choco... hopefully some parts odf that will be at ideal (86-88 deg) crystal temps..
basically stir occasionally every 10-15 mintues... may take 3 or so hours to finish blending the choco and forming
crystals. if you need to reheat it just a touch for the next process of making chunks... thats ok... but dont
exceed 100 degress... i find it works better at about 90 anyway, as it thickens enough to stick to the spoon a
little for "dolloping" which is different than galloping on one of mossy's dragons™! anywho...
ok... I use ice cube trays for chunks ATM... (gonna get choco molds when the $$ allows)...
then fill each cube slot with the choco.. still stirring the batch occasionally for consistency. fill the cube
slots... and put in fridge for at least 1 hour. then they can be broken from molds with a little gently flexing. (twist the tray like you would to release ice cubes)
do some testing when its liquid... see what a tsp does for you... wait 2 hours... try another... figure out what a dose is for you... then pick an appropriate mold..
its a good idea to do this for dosing purposes... espcially if you make a strong oil!
OK, I reccomend you keep em frigged... enjoy.. 1 at a time and wait at least 1.5 hours after eating to be sure of
the full effects... TRUST ME! Better is eaten with some other food... gives alittle something besides sugar and
choco for your stomach to digest and deliver. also, remember... cannibis when eaten is 4x stronger than smoked.. THC