Old Reviews Jiffy Coir Pots?

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anyone ever used these?

"An environmentally friendly peat free product, this excellent new product from Jiffy Pots allow roots to move through the wall of the pot into the surrounding soil without encountering any resistance – totally eliminates transplant stress."

there 8cm in diameter and 8cm deep, how long will this keep a plant happy for before it needed to be put in its final pot?

ussually i would just germinate in final pots, but my grow space is full and id like to get a week or 2 headstart for the next grow, but im wondering whether it will be worth it if the coir pots slow down root growth.

any input appreciated :D thanks!
Jiffy pots are crap for cannabis growing. They stop the roots from growing out, regardless of what it says on the package. I'd avoid them.
Thanks for the reply, :D i didnt think they could be as good as they sounded.

I planted a couple in the coir pots before i got your response, so will see how badly they do.
Well, the roots don't grow through the sides like they claim, at least not enough to stop stunting. What will most likely happen is you'll have small plants with deficiencies and struggle to bring them in.

If it were my grow I'd scrap it and start over to avoid wasting time and space. One of the hardest things for me to learn was to cut losses and start over when i stunted something beyond repair. Growing is like Buddhism, all pain grows from attachment.

Hmmm wait, did you plant autos or photos? If it's autos they'll stunt, if photos you can just break up the jiffy pot and transplant when they get bigger. That's the nice thing about photos, being able to keep them in vege to outlast stress.
Autos, i tore the bottom off the coir pot and transplanted into another pot. thanks for the advice, saved me alot of hassle by the sound of it. Its a shame there isnt a product like them that work a bit better.
That might do the trick for ya :thumbs:

It is a shame about them, but garden products are like anything else on the market.... If they have to sell you a new idea it should set off bells. I've found New and Improved often mean time consuming financial setback. I tried these pots out myself in the veggie garden a few years back and they stunted whatever I planted in them. It's a shame that they push a product that doesn't work :cuss:

Oh Jeeze, where are my manners?
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