I grow auto's in the cube and veg a few photo's sometime for the 20"x36" flower tent.
Lights- The Cube- 20 Samsung hinflux strips on 2 HLG-240H-24A and 1 4ft pureveg + uv , 2- 2ft 6400k flours. 1- 2ft 10000k finisher.
The flower tent- 315w cmh in cooltube and 2 cobs atm.
Tent is made from panda like film around the legs of a shelf I built in spare room to save floor as it's the storage room and the flower tent is in the closet.
At the moment the auto's are 1-Fastbuds Green Crack, 1-Dream a matic, 2-Supernatural Og's in 2 gallons of coco and 1 Mephisto Forgotten Cookies in a 44 oz. hempy.
The photo is a Dank Genetics Dankalato (gelato 33 x sunset sherbert)
In the flower room I have all fems.
1-Dank Genetics-Purple Sherbert (purple punch x sunset sher.)
1-Delicious Seeds-Cotton Candy (lavender x power plant)
1- Swamp Boys Seeds-Penny (purple wreck x nigerian)
1- World of Seeds-Colombian Gold
On to the porn
Forgotten Cookies
Green Crack Day 29ish
SNog 1
SNog 2 germed slow and came up a mutant but looks good now.
Flower tent
Purple Sher.
C. Gold
Cotton Candy