Organic Reptile Hunter
Hey fellow MJ fans ....I recently purchased some seeds JET 47 was my main attraction .....I can seem to find many or any threads on the strain ......JUst want to see if I could get some results and how she handled the grow .....
Was or is Jet 47 a pretty easy grow and how did or does react to nutes ...
I have composted my soil Based From Lever 2000 and a few others and have tweaked it to a pretty good recipe ......Grow should start in the next month LOOKing to start maybe MId Sept ......
So Hey Stitch any recommendations u want to add in .....I will post soil and what not in a few days when i can have a lil more time to find the notepad ...
By this time i should have my new spot completely redone and better suited for good lighting ......
a lil info on these babies !!!!!!!!
Was or is Jet 47 a pretty easy grow and how did or does react to nutes ...
I have composted my soil Based From Lever 2000 and a few others and have tweaked it to a pretty good recipe ......Grow should start in the next month LOOKing to start maybe MId Sept ......
So Hey Stitch any recommendations u want to add in .....I will post soil and what not in a few days when i can have a lil more time to find the notepad ...
By this time i should have my new spot completely redone and better suited for good lighting ......
a lil info on these babies !!!!!!!!