Indoor JayGeeCanucks Wedding Cake(Barney's Farm)auto grow. Remo Nutes, coco and QBs ftw?

May 21, 2019
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Well I'm 20 days in. 2 x 240w qbs, 4x4 tent. Coco is the medium. Trying out remo nutes instead of advanced nutrients. Always seemed to have issues with AN(even at 1/2 - 3/4 strength).

Im using FastBuds Remo feed guide for autos, which is pretty much 1/4 of what they recommend.


Here's the feed guide Im using. I bought the 'supercharged' pack, so Ill be using all the additives as directed by the guide. Also have been foliar feeding velokelp and magnifical which has been interesting.

Anyway, I'll try and keep this updated. Thanks for watching!
Love all of this bro.. nute test.. coco.. some sort of auto feed system.. brilliant.. lookin superb so far.. subbed :jointman: :pop::woohoo:

They're still fairly small. Genetics? The lower PPMs? The runoff EC is about 100 which seems awfully low. Also looks like a slight deficiency on the front one. Next res change happens in 12hrs and will be week 5 on the feed chart. Foliar spray ends, but the rest of the kit is now used ( with both grow and bloom used during the transition to flower). Should raise ppms a bit at least?
It still is about 1/4 of what Remo's calculator suggests.

I'm also using the lux meter on my phone to control the light. I really should just buy a PAR meter but we'll see if this works.

4 weeks in.

Mixed up the batch week 5 nutes as per the schedule. EC is only 540. Ph was about 5. Added 1/4tsp of ph-up, but it still looked orange. Added another 1/4tsp of ph-up and it brought it to 5.8-5.9. Re-tested ph this am before feed, and it looks like 6.2-6.5
Why did it rise even more?

Remo recommends 6.3 in coco, so I'm probably not that far off, though Ive always operated under the assumption that 5.8-6.0 is 'best'‍♂️ Hopefully it's not too high. Ill only use 1/4tsp per 20l from now on though.

Well I had to toss my nutes and start over. The Ph was around 7 the next day:nono:
Only did the recommended 1/4 tsp or so of ph-up on the new batch. Ph now sitting around 5.8 or so. Also did a little leaf tucking and lst on the front one. I'll do the back one this evening.