Harvest & Curing Jars?

ska'd 4 life

AFN Assimilated
Jan 6, 2013
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Morning all! I'm approaching harvest time on 1st grow, i know the best jars for curing are the mason type jars but due to serious post xmas cash flow probs i am unable to purchase the ones i want, so i was wondering could i use food jars i.e. old coffee/jam jars as a temporary substitute, providing of course they're thouroughly cleaned and free of any residual food odour? would they affect the cure detrimentally in any way? Tupperware containers are another possible option would these be ok? Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Anything sealed and smell free will do until you get your hands on jars. people prefer glass as plastics can leach shit out of them and break down over time.
Thanks riz i'll steer clear of the tupperware then! It's funny how when i was buying weed i never gave a thought on how to store it even in large amounts it was just left in the bag it came in untill it was gone! now after putting in the effort and care to grow some myself it's become more precious than gold!:D
I use other jars the same as I use the mason jars. Yes, sealed is good. after burping you can wax seal them if you are gonna cure them a while. But I never had a problem with the coconut oil jars that Root66 uses. They seem to seal up real nice, sometimes I have a hard time getting the lid OFF!

my two cents

remember to that Plastic is porous. so anything that was in it b4 the nug; will reside in the nug as well. Plus if they r NEW plastic, they in turn can/will make ur nug smell n taste like well um plastic.:2cents:
You can totally wash out glass jars that had other things in them ie jelly jars, tomato sauce jars, pickle jars etc...I used to let mine soak for a day or two in a 10-20% bleach to water solution, then wash thoroughly. Then let soak for another day or two in pure water, usually good to go.

Also, you can usually find extra large glass jars at places like Marshall's/T.J. Maxx for cheap, often on clearance. :2cents:
You can totally wash out glass jars that had other things in them ie jelly jars, tomato sauce jars, pickle jars etc...I used to let mine soak for a day or two in a 10-20% bleach to water solution, then wash thoroughly. Then let soak for another day or two in pure water, usually good to go.

Also, you can usually find extra large glass jars at places like Marshall's/T.J. Maxx for cheap, often on clearance. :2cents:

my two cents on this, did a pickle jar that smelled horrible. Someone suggested this:

1 tablespoon baking soda
8 oz Pineapple juice
fill the rest of the jar with warm water, shake every so ofton till the mixture cools, let it sit 24 hours, and boom, works like a charm, no after smell cept a little sweet kinda smell.

Rinse thoroughly

Just my version, all of them work I think


This time of year, after harvest then canning season, we are just after that right now, a lot of the mason jars are on sale. I saw a case of 12 16 oz jars for about 11 bucks at the grocers.
glass is easy to get the smell off of, its the lids thats impossible, however of you can pick up some canning jars with old lids you can buy new lids for pennies
Any glass jar will work, it is the lid that is important.
When you look under the lid it needs to have that red rubber ring around it so that it will seal correctly and not let air in.

I picked up a box of 1L Mason jars on the weekend for $10.
12 jars should last me a while!

I've read where some people have a hard time finding mason jars. Check out farm & home supply stores, as well as many county stores. We do a ton of canning and ace hardware can't keep up but farm supply shops have never failed us. They will have rings and lids as well.