Mephisto Genetics itty bitty toof decay

Nov 1, 2014
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Tangie,sweet tooth,blueberry,green crack, mexican air
well long story short.things haven't been going well both medically and neighborly so ive been not growing.
anyway I had to get growing again so naturally nothing went right.
oh a big thankyou to @Eyes on Fire for picking my spirits up and helping me through some of my issues. Hell he even sent me a care package to pick me up.awesome dude.
thankyou for everything.
anyway I just threw my toof seed in my dwc and as a result I got rootrot.Never cleaned it.
3 weeks I tried to clear her out. finally I had to pull her, clean tub and pop more seed before my stash is gone.which I did,different mephisto strain.
so for shits and giggles I threw her in a hempy pot. I knew if I could bring her around,she would be little and I really wanted to try mephisto and this toof.
well I managed to pull her through with not bad results.
some pics. sorry their sideways though.
MVC-010S (2).JPG
MVC-008S (2).JPG
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beautiful little girl there mate! I look forward to trying toof decay myself... I actually tried ordering toof decay along with 6 other strains in a pick-n-mix 7 pack, but was surprised to receive blue toofs instead of toof decays... turns out I stated that I wanted "sweet tooth" on the order hahaha... DOH... so it was my own fault... well one thing is certain I am glad for the extra blue toofs, extra 6 other strains, and the 8 stilton specials I received as freebies!!

Mephisto always hooking the customer up with the goods

enjoy that harvest mate, let us know how she smells and tastes!

Looks like a lot of pistols left,maybe could have let her go a little longer but she sure is nice and frosty,should be a nice smoke.
Ya know I have that right now. Still new white pistols but mostly cloudy with clusters of amber. The white ones turn brownish orange after the chop lol.
So did u chop yours when u posted that or did u wait and what was the result.
I got 19 gram dried off her.
Havent even really tried her yet.
Wait about a month yet for cure.
So did u chop yours when u posted that or did u wait and what was the result.
I got 19 gram dried off her.
Havent even really tried her yet.
Wait about a month yet for cure.
Yeah she went down right around that post. She's turned out just fine.
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Well finally got around to trying a bud.
Very sticky and covered in crystals..
Smell is awesome.
Tastes like it smells.
All I can say is wooo !
Likey likey !