Outdoor Isla Mujeres


Cultivators Club
Jul 16, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
All things Twisted Tree
My three girls: clockwise from back, Gush Mints photo clone, day 45 of flower, Deelite auto , day 74, Blueberry/ Mazar auto,day 59. All looking good. The Blueberry and Gush Mints smell like candy! It’s been real hot for a week or more, 90F.
Here’s a little update. 16 more days into flower. They are getting big and….nasty! The weather has been hot and sunny (SF Bay Area). Starting tonight we’re getting seven days of rain! I’ve got them covered and I’m just a little nervous.
I guess I did something right! Not a huge harvest but probably more than enough to get me through til next season. The Gush Mints produced 41 grams, Deelite 22 grams and Blueberry Mazar 15 grams. A little disappointed in the BM, but I harvested about a week early due to mold.
I came on board a little late to do a full grow journal this year. I’m already planning next years grow. It’s going to be fun. I’ll be using a number of ideas gathered here on AFN.
Thanks again for all the great advise. See you in 2020!
I guess I did something right! Not a huge harvest but probably more than enough to get me through til next season. The Gush Mints produced 41 grams, Deelite 22 grams and Blueberry Mazar 15 grams. A little disappointed in the BM, but I harvested about a week early due to mold.
I came on board a little late to do a full grow journal this year. I’m already planning next years grow. It’s going to be fun. I’ll be using a number of ideas gathered here on AFN.
Thanks again for all the great advise. See you in 2020!View attachment 1385401View attachment 1385402
No no no not 2020, not again!

Jk, good job on your grow! 78g is still 78g you don't have before and it should last ya a while.
No no no not 2020, not again!

Jk, good job on your grow! 78g is still 78g you don't have before and it should last ya a while.
Really, what is it about 2020 that didn't, work for you?

Just kidding of course. I am seriously glad to see that one in the rear view mirror. I hope this winter does not hit too hard when too many peeps think Covid is done, because it is not done, not at all.

@paulg, 78 grams at dispensary prices might pay for your entire setup in the first grow, so not bad at all, and if you do the cure right, it will likely be better than most or all of the stuff you can buy.

Congrats on a completed grow, and good luck with the many future ones! :goodluck: :pighug:
OK, 2022! I should have had a smoke after I posted.
Any guidance on curing would be much appreciated.
OK, 2022! I should have had a smoke after I posted.
Any guidance on curing would be much appreciated.
Once its dry, stick it in a jar with a hydrometer. As long as it stays 62ish, it can stay there. Burp like 2x a day to start, after a week or two you can go down to once a day. I usually do this with hubby, its our daily "sniff test" before picking what to grind lol. Grove bags are really easy and don't require burping, but I like jars cause I get to feel like an apothecary :rofl: if your humidity tries to jump up, dump them out and let them breathe for an hour or so and then jar them again. Rinse and repeat until the jars hold a steady RH.