Is this heat/light stress or nute burn?

Jul 25, 2022
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Hey y’all! Came home from work to see 3 of my girls have small yellowish brown spots on the tips/sides of the leaves. I let the LED up to about 24in & turned them down to about 65%. Even though the greenhouse is covered in shade with no direct sunlight rn, I’m concerned that the LEDs might be too much in the daytime when the sun is out. Temps in the greenhouse is off the charts - 95 degrees Fahrenheit & 50%. Although silica is apart of their watering once a week, which should help withstands temps to 105+ degrees.

Also a few days back I introduced a small amount of top amendments to the soil. Wasn’t sure if the Roots Organic soil had used up its stored nutrients.

I just gave them a few light sprits of silica-water mix from the spray bottle. Their is airflow (fan) & greenhouse door has been open all day.

What do y’all think?
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Looks like powdery mildew.
Lls No that’s what leftover of Sevin insecticide powder I put on my plants a few days back as a quick response to bug prevention. I couldn’t use the neem oil at that time being that the Sun was out & I didn’t want to burn the plants. I’m talking about the yellow-brownish on the tip/sides of the leaves. It’s not a lot but it’s present. Not the white spots on the leaves.

Most of y’all probably so faded you skimmed right past what I’m talking about lol Thanks for your input!
Oh yeah I see what you're talking about. Maybe a splash of nutrient hit it. I wouldn't worry.