Is this a def or just aging?


Just some lurker dude
Apr 17, 2015
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Auto Berry Bomb that from my count is in week 8 - 8 1/2. Growing in FFOF being fed Earth Juice Hi-Brix Grow/Bloow A/B two part nutes. Ran her on tap for first half of her life, but around time she started to transition I picked up a filter so switched to filtered water. Starting to see some yellowing with some reddish marks on the lower, larger leaves. Some slight lightening on some of the upper leaves, but overall aside from the large fans she looks alright to my eye. So I'm on the fence with thinking she's missing something or that she's just getting along in age and starting to wind down.

Hoping from some opinions and/or advice from the experts...thanks in advance. :smoking:

Looks like she still has a way to go with all the white pistols.Could be a little low on nitrogen also.Have you been giving her any cal/mag because this is important during flowering.Some yellowing of leaves will start at this point and is quite normal.You could give a little more veg nutes along with your bloom nutes until you see the pistols start turning brown then just give strait water the last couple weeks until harvest.
No cal/mag as of yet. Just the nutes so far. I've got the same feeling myself that she should have a few weeks left still, so I picked up some General Organics CaMg+ from the store and going to mix her up a batch after lunch. Was hoping to find the Earth Juice supplement to keep with the same line as the nutes, but such is life.

Thanks for the response and suggestions.
There seems to be a noticeable increase in odor production from the plant after adding the CaMg+ supplement. Not much else change wise, but still hasn't even quite been 24 hours, so bit soon to say.

Thanks again, all. :thanks:
:toke: Oz'-- First thing that concerns me-- FFOF soil, a well documented producer of high acidity soils,... not every bag, but it's so common now, I steer peep's away from their soils if I can,... I've measured bags in stores that were in the low 5's! :nono: ..that said, a pH reading would be rather important at this point,... I see P defc. mostly-- the reddish leaf hue, petiole color, plus she's in high demand stage now as well...(organic nute's tend to be very mild-- what are the NPK#'s on the nute's?)... If your soil pH is below 6, P starts to lock out some, making matters worse,... we need to find out if you have a lack-of P defc., and/or a pH lock out issue.. adding more P under lock-out will make things worse, not better,... do you have a quality soil pH probe, or a meter? If you have to do the run-off method, follow this guide carefully... as a method in general, r-o testing is full of measurement error, but this guide helps eliminate some of them--
that imo is a fluctuation on feeds,the plant has become deficient almost at some stage then its been fed up,but also atm im seeing a plant in recovery....i`d personally be feeding it an e/c of 1.4 for the next 4 waterings depending on how much the plant is supping daily !! but its a bad feed / watering practice there ^^^ :hookah:
Let see how many more i can reply to before passing out.....

Lets start with the pics:

1. Pic 1 : What are your on/off temps and light schedule? I have never seen nice color like that not sped up by lower off temps or just super lucky genetics.

2.1 Pic 2 3 4 : Everything is weeks from harvest and most likely is in between or nearing the end of the flowering stretch depending on previous grows factors.....pic 2 looks like the nodes are more spaced then 3 and 4 to me but 2 looks a bit healthier.
2.2 In my opinion, 2 3 4 are in different phases or early bloom and all need a PK BOOSTER in different amounts + a CalMag+ with some N and keep the rest of the feed the same for a week or two after adding them. The N in the Calmag should compliment the PK BOOSTER nicely for now. 2 need a little 3 a bit more and 4 looks almost in full bloom ending the stretch soon but ease them all in easy over a week or they will get a little shock.

That actually pretty much covers most of it besides @Waira s PH advice and questions. Dam....i didnt actually ask questions but you get the idea....

Grow on Folks!

Soooo many new replies overnight. Thanks all for taking the time to weigh in on her. She seems to be responding well to adding the CaMg supplement and upping the grow nutes a bit for more N. Looks like she's greening back out, though with things being slow and subtle need another day or two to say for sure. Will read up on PK booster per the last suggestion as well, but really just giving her a little time to see how the change takes for now.

I do have an El Cheapo soil PH meter that I picked up when I started with the soil. Checked my soils and it said 7.0. Put a bunch of water adjusted to 6.0 through a pot, and still read 7.0. Put more adjusted water, read 7.0. Checked all my house plants and some spots out in the yard, all 7.0. Started to get the impression that if I went out in the garage, popped the cap on a car battery and put it in some battery acid it would say 7.0, so I stopped using it. :)

I knew that FFOF was a bit of a gamble, and it did (I believe) kill off at least one seed before it ever really got started. But it was all they had at the store I was at at the time that I reconized the name on, except for a bag of Miracle Grow and I figured FFOF was the lesser of two evils between the two. Starting to see more around the forums on the Root 707 so might try and track some down after I've worked thorough this bag. New store in town looks to carry their line of stuff.

Thanks again for all the help and suggestions!!!!