Is this a bad sign?


Cultivators Club
Dec 1, 2020
Reaction score
Day 27 of passion punch v1.2 the pistils are brown only on one of my pp. Does this mean it was somehow pollinated?

This is also happening with my Purple bastard eater, but the rest are ok
Day 27 of passion punch v1.2 the pistils are brown only on one of my pp. Does this mean it was somehow pollinated?View attachment 1261584
This is also happening with my Purple bastard eater, but the rest are ok
as far as I'm concerned she looks fine growbro and nice to meet you also what are you feeding them and are they in coco or soil and how are your temps and do you have mails in your tent or all autoflowers
@Nelly Nugs youve done breeding can you take a look at this guys plant also @Fitzy
Is that an auto at 27 days from seed or is it a photo 27 days into flower? Pistols can turn off color for any number of reasons like touching them can kill them off if you have acidic skin and so can certain spays like H2o2 for mold and mildew can also turn them it will also cause trics to amber up prematurely. Where would the pollen have come from? Do you see any nanners or have you had males or done any breeding previously to this grow? You can look over your plants and make sure you dont have anything suspect going on with any kind of a hermie but I dont see anything that looks or tells me that its pollinated just a natural thing going on I suspect.
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  • It’s an auto @ 27 days from popping out of the soil. All autos in my tent except 2 vegging photos.
  • I have another tent in week 8 of flower of all female photos.
    I don’t see any nanners on my girls however, it is a think canopy
  • There hasn’t been anything grown in this house for 10+ years. This is my first run back.
  • They are in ffof Just now starting to feed the trio plus cal mag @ 1/4 dose
  • I’m under a hlg600 r spec @ 500W 30” at 83F (slowly increasing wattage till full potential) RH 60-70 also gonna start lowering Rh now that flowering is beginning.
  • Also is it ok to go above 85F cuz I feel that once I get to the full 600+ watts I’m gonna be a little above 85F
    Thanks for all the help. Good to be here.:smoking::cheers:
The high heat can cause dramatic stretch and airy fluffy flower. Can you get an exhaust fan in their or draw in cold air from outside into your grow? I like to run my RH around 40 to 50% through most of flower and temps between 75 and 80 night time and lights on temps. I drop temps and RH in late flower for last 2 weeks I run my RH at around 30% and the temps between 65 and 75 F. You will get better resin production and terp profiles if you can do this IMO. I wouldnt let the grow get much above 85 F if you can help it heat stress can definitely hermie plants and throw nanners some plants handle the heat better and high RH most sativas are good for that Indicas don't like heat and high RH you will have issues with bud rot and mold. I have a 6 inch inline fan with speed adjust in my 2x4x5 cab and I can control the heat and RH pretty good with just that but I do also have to use a dehumidifier and humidifier depending on the season.
The high heat can cause dramatic stretch and airy fluffy flower. Can you get an exhaust fan in their or draw in cold air from outside into your grow? I like to run my RH around 40 to 50% through most of flower and temps between 75 and 80 night time and lights on temps. I drop temps and RH in late flower for last 2 weeks I run my RH at around 30% and the temps between 65 and 75 F. You will get better resin production and terp profiles if you can do this IMO. I wouldnt let the grow get much above 85 F if you can help it heat stress can definitely hermie plants and throw nanners some plants handle the heat better and high RH most sativas are good for that Indicas don't like heat and high RH you will have issues with bud rot and mold. I have a 6 inch inline fan with speed adjust in my 2x4x5 cab and I can control the heat and RH pretty good with just that but I do also have to use a dehumidifier and humidifier depending on the season.
I have a 6” 400CFM exhaust fan thinking about upgrading to a 8” AC infinity for my 4x4 tent. Also running a tower fan inside with 2 clip on fans as well. I don’t need a dehumidifier but have one as a back up just in case (outside Rh is 30%)
Day 27 of passion punch v1.2 the pistils are brown only on one of my pp. Does this mean it was somehow pollinated?View attachment 1261584
This is also happening with my Purple bastard eater, but the rest are ok
No problem there bud those always mature early as I can pollenate those spots when I breed and I can pull beans from those spots before buds are fully formed would be only semi concerned if you had pollen sacks but even then it can only pollenate the available hairs. I've been breeding my strains to drop pollen early so if you messed up it wouldn't produce a fully seeded bud. Anyways any ? or anything ask away even if a different journal just tag me bud love to lend a hand where/when I can.