Outdoor Is she ready?

Sep 1, 2016
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This is my first time growing an auto and my first time growing all on my own. I have done pretty good up until this point im not quite sure if she is ready. I got her when she was already 3 1/2 feet tall and starting to flower... that was 12 1/2 weeks ago! I had 3 plants to start and have already harvested 2 thinking that they should be done but after drying the buds were super airy and premature. Can someone please help a noob. Thanks 20160830_130638.jpg 20160830_135921.jpg 20160830_130638.jpg 20160830_130747.jpg 20160830_130621.jpg 20160830_130354.jpg 20160830_130406.jpg 20160830_130621.jpg
Im no pro but yor crystals look more clear than milky, so therefore could go another couple weeks....Doh
I would agree with this.

If you can get some better pictures of trichomes that would help.
I thought in pics 6 and 7 that you could see the trichs but maybe im looking at the wrong thing. Im under the impression that the clear rods with the round tips are the trichs. If this is wrong please tell me what i am supposed to be looking at. I took those with just the camera on my phone tomorrow i will try to tape a jewelers loop onto my phone and see if i cam get better pics that way. Also if anyone could post a pic or send me a link to one of a plant thats ready to be harvested. Thank you all for your help
That's them. If it was me, I'd wait a bit until more of those pistils fade.
Hi there @Kronik_bloom !
-- Lovely plant you have there, congratulations on your first successful grow on your own!

For my tastes, I'd maybe go another week, but not much longer.

Everyone's tastes differ -- I go a little earlier than most, I like "high" not "stoned".
The photos are either the whole plant or super close, how about a shot of a whole bud?
That way we can see the % of white pistils vs brown. This is one of my main indicators, about 60-80% brown.
But this also depends on strains. Slow flowering strains may still keep putting out new calyxes and pistils (typically sativa).
Faster all-at-once strains may not show (m)any new calyxes and pistils once the main flowering has finished (typically indica).
Also, you're posting in the outdoor / greenhouse forum, so I assume you're outdoors / greenhouse for this grow.
What are your weather conditions like there? You don't want to push it longer if there's a high risk of some really bad weather.

How about this for an idea? Wait maybe a week and cut down a couple of branches (you have a few!)
Then wait another week and cut another couple; then a third week for the rest. Spread the harvest over a few weeks.

Mark the harvest date on each branch. Once they're dried and cured, do a standard smoke test.
That is, smoke the same amount with the same method at the same time of the day.

Voila! You'll now know for yourself the differences in the harvest times, and which gives you the result you want!

Love and hugs,
Hi there @Kronik_bloom !
-- Lovely plant you have there, congratulations on your first successful grow on your own!

For my tastes, I'd maybe go another week, but not much longer.

Everyone's tastes differ -- I go a little earlier than most, I like "high" not "stoned".
The photos are either the whole plant or super close, how about a shot of a whole bud?
That way we can see the % of white pistils vs brown. This is one of my main indicators, about 60-80% brown.
But this also depends on strains. Slow flowering strains may still keep putting out new calyxes and pistils (typically sativa).
Faster all-at-once strains may not show (m)any new calyxes and pistils once the main flowering has finished (typically indica).
Also, you're posting in the outdoor / greenhouse forum, so I assume you're outdoors / greenhouse for this grow.
What are your weather conditions like there? You don't want to push it longer if there's a high risk of some really bad weather.

How about this for an idea? Wait maybe a week and cut down a couple of branches (you have a few!)
Then wait another week and cut another couple; then a third week for the rest. Spread the harvest over a few weeks.

Mark the harvest date on each branch. Once they're dried and cured, do a standard smoke test.
That is, smoke the same amount with the same method at the same time of the day.

Voila! You'll now know for yourself the differences in the harvest times, and which gives you the result you want!

Love and hugs,
Maria i did exactly what you said and spread the harvest out. Amazing idea. So i took the tops on the first chop they looked mature but as i found out 2 weeks into the drying when they started to turn brown slightly still cocered in crystals but darker then i would have liked. But it was worth it no more then 24 hours after i choped 25% of the plant 25% grew back not an exageration at all! Everything left exploded with life keep in mind i have already been flushing her for 7 days. So this is with out any neuts at all. So 12 days after the first chop i decide to take everything but the main colas that are left. At this point all trichromes are milky and 10% are amber. I finally get to see what everyone is talking about with the amber trichromes days of searching lol who knew it would be so obvious. That was last night i go out this morning to check on her and 30% on all buds are amber and more on some of the nicer ones. I guess that i will have somewhere around 5ozs of top shelf flower all the same strain but with different highs from clear headed to couch lock. This plant has sold me on autos for the rest of my life. She got put thru multiple transports and lots of abuse because i could not find a steady home for her. Even with all that she flourished into an amazing plant. I guess that she went for a total of 150-160 days i choped her on the 120th day i had her and when i got her she was 3 1/2 feet tall and starting to bud. Has anyone else heard of a life cycle on an auto taking so long. I will post pics in a little bit. Bte does anyone have any tips on drying/curing/manicuring. Do you trim before you dry? How long do you hang dry for and how long in brown bag i am doing both to see which i like more. Thanks again for all the help everyone