Outdoor Is my grow doomed before it gets off the ground



I posted a thread this morning about poly tunnel i am using and the risk of bud rot and got some good practical advice about ventilation or maybe fans to avoid it. Where i come unstuck is that when our daughter was born 3 yrs ago i had to stop indoor growing as my wife wasnt comfortable with it and i could see where she was coming from. since then we have moved to a lovely house in the country and i started doing vegtables in the garden, i purchased a poly tunnel and grew some great tomatoes etc. This year i asked my wife if i could grow a few autos in the middle of the tommys and she said as long as it was a few and no one can see them or smell then it would be cool. imagine my excitement when i hadnt grown any girls for ages being all of a sudden looking at all the auto seeds on line which has got so big from a few years ago. But i am being told that bud rot is on the cards without propper ventilation. My wife has said yes to my little grow project but she wont let it be opened right up or have extention leads running up the garden so iam limited , is this grow a lost cause or can someone get my confidense back. cheers sparrowhawk.:bow:
Limited.. but not completely blocked.

There are several initial ideas popping throgh my head on how to tackle this (maybe not as effectively as my imagination but I'll have a go).. like for example having a car battery buried slightly underground (in a sealed box) powering PC fans. Total stealth and at least some ventilation straight away. I dunno if it would be enough yet but it's the first idea that popped-in and I thought you may get a tiny bit of hope from it while I build one and think more on it.

Man.. nothing I hate more than seeing a fellow grower lose heart because their partner gives them confines to work within.

<thinking hat going on while I get a smoke together>


Edit.. thinking a bit more on that.. the goals are stealth, no visible power cables from the house, maybe not spectacular but adequate ventilation, and definitely no falling out with your mrs.

So, either the tunnel itself has to be modified with many passive airholes (I'd try this first as my gut instinct says it might be enough) or there needs to be an independant power-source (I suspect it has to be a battery or B&Q solar-powered nightlight modded to power a PC fan or something like that) to circulate air.
If these are going to be ouside why do you even need a grow tunnel? Just leave them out in the open and let mother nature take care of the rest.
cheers, that might just work, i am off to bed now and you have given me a few ideas, cheers for your input i have a bit more positive mind set now. sparrowhawk
big buddha i have got so many variations of fans going through my head i cant sleep. lol.
that wont work namvet, i cant have them just sitting there in the garden they could be seen, but thanks for your ideas, all ideas are welcome.
tie five gallon buckets in dence trees if you can climb. and dont hurt your self doing this. my old man told me stories of doing that on public lands and it worked everytime unless there was seirous stormage. just saying. u gota climb up every now and again but out of sight out of mind right? just a thought.