New Grower Is it time to upgrade my cfl to LED???

Jan 18, 2013
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Hey guys,

I finished my first ever grow recently and it is currently curing in jars and has been for nearly a week now...:dance:

I have a smallish cupboard space (2ft x 2ft x 1m high) with just 2 plants in and have a 125w cfl with the 6500k for veg and the 2700k for flower . I did 2 x Dutch Passion Star Ryders and managed to get 72g (just over 2.5 oz) from the 2 which i was mega happy with. they took 77 days from seed to harvest.

Now that i have my first grow complete and im really happy with the outcome i'm looking in to the possibility of changing the cfl to and LED lamp.

Been researching these a lot the past few days on here and on other sites and at the moment im thinking the Grow Northern Ms0004 seems too be the one im thinking of going for.

Just wandered what peoples opinions of them are and if there are any others than anyone recommends.

Hi Melki,

We've got the same floor space 2ft x 2ft and i've been looking with interest at the Ms0004's too! From what i've read 2ft x 2ft would be just right for that light and would perform well with 2 plants under it!

There's been some lovely grows here at AFN with grow northern lights! There's a grow northern section here too at the bottom of the forum "menu" ^_^
Hey, thanks for the reply, yeah thats what i found out when researching it, it seems perfect for my/our space... Interesting, i will go and look at the grow northern section now me thinks.
any pictures?

Hey guys,

I finished my first ever grow recently and it is currently curing in jars and has been for nearly a week now...:dance:

I have a smallish cupboard space (2ft x 2ft x 1m high) with just 2 plants in and have a 125w cfl with the 6500k for veg and the 2700k for flower . I did 2 x Dutch Passion Star Ryders and managed to get 72g (just over 2.5 oz) from the 2 which i was mega happy with. they took 77 days from seed to harvest.

Now that i have my first grow complete and im really happy with the outcome i'm looking in to the possibility of changing the cfl to and LED lamp.

Been researching these a lot the past few days on here and on other sites and at the moment im thinking the Grow Northern Ms0004 seems too be the one im thinking of going for.

Just wandered what peoples opinions of them are and if there are any others than anyone recommends.

that'll pack a punch, if temperature isn't an issue then you're flying coz they don't give off heat, i can only use LED's in the summertime when it's not so cold, try looking into double spectrum lights, they have a dial on it that can change it from blue spec for vegging to red spec for flowering