Outdoor Is FL a good state to grow in


the rookie

I Am looking to grow a couple of plants I want to get about 8-10 oz every 2 months I am not trying to have a big field I live in the country and at the end of my road there is a a nice little field and I was thing to grow 4-6 autoflowering plants because I don't the plants to be that tall but I have no idea how much I am going to need also I can tend to them everyday . I want to know what strain I should grow and if I should just do regular plants also when should I start to grow I know I will have to wait till after winter
Your right,its to late to start an outside grow even in Florida.Check back in early spring and we'll help you get started.
I grow year round. Just planted an outdoor run mid september. Your yields will be small during the cold months (3/4 oz per plant dry), but as long as you live far enough south so you don't get freezing - you can still keep a regular fresh supply of meds.

From September to March - I plant photos (12/12 light), from March on I use Autos. Works out great for me. Every month is a fresh harvest. Just learn to stager the grows.

If you live north of Gainesville, you will have to time the grows due to frost in late Jan and early Feb. But that shouldn't be a problem once you get the hang of things. Good luck.

The strains you want are up to you based on yield and effect. Photos stay short in the cold season and most autos stay short naturally. The ability for you to use "super" autos is up to you to determine how tall the plants can grow while still being undetected.

If height is a problem, get the bigger strains going in the winter so they stay short.
Hey kpex what strains have you ran outdoors? I have grown some magic dragons outdoors but move them indoors late so they won't rot. 3/4 of a zip is good due to the shortness of our days :smokebuds:
I have grown too many strains to list here. I prefer autos, but when you order from the Attitude - they send a crap load of photos as freebies. I would normally never grow them so I just wait until the fall and they stay short. Since the light hours are low its like growing 12/12 from seed. I've never had a freebee that made me want to order it, so thats probably why they are free. I feel obligated to grow them, so they get put out during the cold months to stay short. Sorry I can't name them but I have never had a strain struggle - just have a low yield.

I have had great luck with Barneys Farm Tangerine dream in the winter, as well as Easy Sativa from Female seeds. Both put out 2.5 z's each which was a nice yield for low light. Currently planting LBH Asian haze at the moment.

For Auto's in spring and summer - Easy Ryder, Afghan Kush Ryder, Bad Betty, Duurty Dragons and Magic Dragons are my favorites. Looking to try MI5 next spring. Lots of good reviews on them. I have a height restriction issue, so all plants must be 2' or less.

I have a Spirit 51 almost done now, but it was used for a seed run by an unexpected male Magic Dragon. Since I have enough surplus - I went with a seed run on the Spirit (x Magic pollen) and another Magic (x Magic pollen) just for the hell of it since the AFN store is down. I never know when it will be back up. Hopefully soon. Bad Betty is an amazing strain and can't wait to get more!
Glad to hear you have had success in our climate. Do you typically run into bud rot? I think I will plan out an auto guerilla grow this winter just for the hell of it. I have been thinking about growing a photo sativa like Tom hills haze, they just take so damn long.
Best thing to do ... ignore the law... in your lifetime it will never change for you , so why should you change for it ... just do what you do , find somewhere secret and get gardening :) just... watch out for the gators man !!! wanna know a cool little story .. a friend of mine grown outdoors in the middle of streets ... and he got away with it.... he used to climb trees ... tie pots to the trees branches , and grow weed plants up trees where noone would see, get ya ass to the everglades make an elevated grow platfoom , be outrageous go crazy ... whos gonna find your garden there... haha
I'd look for some of Cres' strains from High Rise Seeds...probably a good choice for cold-weather growing, they're designed to be super-fast outdoor photos for places like Canada where the season is a lot colder and shorter.
I grow a few plants outdoors year round mostly photos or autos that decide not to auto I've grown a bunch of different varieties from sour diesels to jack herrer and like mentioned before mold and mildew have killed my harvest along with mites and other bugs also don't get great yields we are so far south that our longest day in the year is around 14 hours so I have not had great experience outdoors here not saying it can't be done just not worth it for me . And probably the reason Florida is the number one indoor growing state in the country just my :2cents: