
Just chilling and enjoying the greenery ✌️
May 10, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hey guys I did my introduction back round may 23rd but couldn't find it I guess I didn't click post or left the page before it loaded lol.
Hello to all I'm new to these autos and not real sure about anything lol. I have grown photoperiod plants have maybe 12 plants under my belt amd I DO NOT SAY IT BRAGGINGLY OR NOTHING LIKE THAT....... I say that cause had bout 5 go Hermie 3 that just said I'm done I'm staying in veg and that's it lol they wouldn't flip no matter what I let em go for 6 months with lights at 12/12 & 10/14 to 8/16 and gave them no light for a couple days and kept it at the 8/16 and nothing got few hairs then boom Hermie banana lol.. They all looked good and tall and bushy all of them got to be 6 foot at least and a few feet around so I got something wrong every time it seemed but I got some that was great I switched to outdoor and said heck with it amd joined force with a friend and went and set out probably 50 plants in the woods around a pond. They grew great didn't habe to mess with them they got all the water they needed being on the bank just few feet from the pond some males and herms and seedy females but it was a co-op grow so don't count it as my grow since he helped and did the nutes and stuff lol. But rambling on here lol come check out my journal I need to fix dates it says they are 21 days but actually they are more like 17 days I counted day I dropped them in water and paper towels not when they popped out of dirt. Check them out tell me what you think and any one that can tell me what is causing the stunting I'd love you for ever lmao thanks everyone and i thanks AFN this is the best joirnal and forum site I use others but this one rocks... Thanks and hope to hear from everyone!!!!!!!
Welcome to the AFN Army .Hermi city lol that's not good .we can help you get a better harvest. I would like to ask where did you get your seeds? what company? Ill go check you grow journal if you have one posted :)
The ones that went Hermie was years ago and photoperiods and they was all bag seed lol but I've had some success with them it's just something has always happened and I've had to leave them or something and they got dried out or storm hit em deer ate em rabbits got em lol country living i guess lol but I posted in here in introduction before but no one said anything and I'm glad you did i appreciate it a lot guys getting overlooked a lot so I try to say hi and bump their post back up to the top lol