Indoor Input plz

Oct 8, 2011
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Ok , I'm normally a photo grower and have just recently started trying out autos . My first try was LR2 and only 2 survived ( 1 male/1 female) . From what I have read , autos are very nute sensitive , and it's possible my starting soil was to "hot" .

So , I am trying to start my new batch from eshop in rockwool cubes soaked in ph 6 water , and placed on my seedling mat .

Will this do? Does anyone start that way? I normally do the paper towel method then into soil , but figure if I can get my new seeds started in cubes then put them in , they may not have the issues my first batch had .
Had the same problem with my first lot of buhhda auto's.
Mixed up the usual soil I would for photo's and as the seedlings grew they just came a cropper with the nutes I'd added.
Next lot I did the usual to the seeds, soaked in warm water for 24hrs then put them in a small plastic tub lined with a j cloth soaked in warm water put the lid on and put them somewhere at about 18 - 20c until they popped (been doing this method for 5 years and works great).
With a little bit of white shoot on (literally a few mils) potted them straight into a top quality general purpose compost with added JI and they have grown beautifully.
You know what it's like, always a learning curve, I know no not to over fertilises and to give them lots of light