So I’be been growing three different strains from growers choice and the youngest one that I just started about a week ago is infested with FLEAS I am 99% sure that this is because I left my bag of soil sitting outside in my backyard :/ Sooooo. I am just wondering how could I get rid of these things ithout using some harsh chemicals , and will this affect my plants at all ? I know fleas don’t feed on plants but I still hate the fact that I open my tent to see a bunch of baby fleas hopping around the base of my 2 gallon pot … what should I do ? I will also attach some pictures maybe you can see what I’m dealing with . Might not look like a lot on pictures but it’s a BUNCH of baby fleas … the white dots and they’re hopping around everywhere in there help me ! Lol also I have one bubblegum in the same tent that is about to flower … am I funny have fleas in my harvest !? I HOPE NOT !