New Grower Independence Day Seed Spread...

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Celebrate Independence Day by SPREADING YOUR SEEDS !!! You have some extra seeds? As you go about your 4th of July deposit those seeds in a place they have the best chance of growing. Let mother nature help fight the battle for us. The goal should be to have every Country, State, City, on the Globe growing wild, uncontrollable, until the authorities can't fight the battle anymore. PLANT YOUR SEEDS EVERYWHERE! We can overwhelm them if bud is growing in the public, on every block, in every city. SPREAD YOUR SEEDS!! Happy 4th of July everyone!!!
Nope. There's quite a few grows I could ruin for people in my area if let males grow to fruition. There's a few places in the mid-west where escaped hemp really puts a cramp in the wild grows. When pot goes wild it loses it's potency really quick. It would not only seed a good crop, but with crappy ditch hemp :/

Instead, you should sex out some females or plant clones everywhere. Spread the sensi love. :peace::smokeit:
well I will be putting out around 2k of fem. auto seeds in my area in the police station flower beds, court house lawn, ect ect...
Works for me :thumbs: So, where does one come across 2k fem auto seed? :stir:
thats what i was wondering... how can you spare 2k seeds femmed? lol
good for you tho... love the theory... breeding can still be done carefully... lol
colloidal silver experiment a while back... I have way more then I will ever need of them...
well I will be putting out around 2k of fem. auto seeds in my area in the police station flower beds, court house lawn, ect ect...
colloidal silver experiment a while back... I have way more then I will ever need of them...

I think it would be better to donate them to the Automaticseed store to pass out with each order till gone
Maybe 5 with each order :D :thumbs:

Yeah I agree... beautify city hall! if all the smokers got together and did that en mass... hes right... what would they do?


cry in their spilt retardism?