Mephisto Genetics Illuminautos explained! - dropping soon :)


AFN Authorized Vendor
Jun 24, 2013
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Illuminautos: Mephisto's secret society strains!

Those who keep their ears to the ground and their eyes on our insta may have heard a few terms such as 'secret society strains' and 'illuminautos', we're now ready to offer an explanation into this idea and what it's all about!

After sorting through our hefty seed collection recently we came across a variety of baggies of ultra-limited edition hybrids. Often solely a one plant cross which we couldn't resist making during a seed run and then we tucked away to sprout another day.

These are from unique phenotypes found whilst producing stock for our usual lines, for example an extra tall 24 carat or a purple Chem city blues, or a special experimental hybrid where we just dust a few buds.

They are so few in number that it would be pointless to come up with strain names or descriptions or to make them available in shops, as they would likely be sold out before everyone had time to add these products and upload the information to their store!

These were purely made only for personal use but, as the number of new projects we are working on is exponentially increasing it may be that these fantastic seeds are left untouched.

Occasionally some have been sent to our biggest fans, or just to test out for fun, but now we are going to offer these to the masses over a few drops each year.

The drops will be one day only, packs will be 5 fem seeds or 10 fem seeds only. And each drop the illuminautos offered will change.

So if you're a collector looking for those über rare Mephisto beans, or a hobby breeder looking for interesting auto stock to work from, or just a grower that wants some unique fire, then look no further than the Mephisto illuminautos :D


Further details for the first drop to be announced soon!

Cheers guys, and P.S anyone not on Instagram is really missing a trick!
Here's the list kicking off this first drop:

1) SODK x Fantasmo -

A high sativa leaning extra orangey phenotype of SODK was selected to be knocked up by Fantasmo Express

2) Sour Bubbly x Chemdogging, a.k.a 'Chem-bubbly' -

A bulked up half sour half raw chem funk, with potential for big yields of high quality nuggetry.

3) SODK x Alien -

Many customers have ran this girl as a freebie, she can go 11 weeks but large structured and heavy colas mean it's definitely worth 'the weight'

4) Deep Blue C F2 - Pre-release *Mitch's Pick*

From our recent production run to create Deep Blue C F2, three very special specimines were put to one side for future deep blue c exploration.

This girl was codenamed 'Big Cola Pheno', fat buds, monster cola, deep blue c goodness.

5) Chem City Purps -

In the F3 generation of Chem City Blues, we had a split of 50/50 coloured to green phenotypes, only seeds from the green phenotypes have ever been released.

Here's the chance to sample a different version.

6) Hubbabubbasmelloscope x Auto Blues, a.k.a - Bubbly Blues

A blend of 2 old school genetics, the blues and bubblegum in one hit.
Intensely flavourful and delicious. Also boosts the size and yield potential of auto blues

7) Toof Decay x Fantasmo

Sweet phat flowers of the toof decay mated to the sativa zing and vigor of fantasmo express. Also likes to colour up.

8) 24 Carat - Mitch's pick 'Big Pheno'

During summer 2015 we ran a whole greenhouse of 24 carat, and one single plant really took us by surprise. The rest of the greenhouse were within the usual size and character of the 24 carat we know and love. This bad girl reached 6ft in the spanish sun.

9) Tyrone#2 - Mitch's pick - Better mould resistance

It often get's very humid in our breeding facility and we often battle with mould, here are seeds taken from a higher mould resistant tyrone special.

10) chem city blues x chemdogging - Double the chem double the pleasure.

Easy to grow, bigger yield, packed with flavour. This is a standout hybrid.

Extra things to know -

  • Seeds will be available in 5 seed or 10 seed fem packs only
  • There will only be 20 packs of each denomination of each strain available
  • So everyone has a chance to grab some, there's a limit of 2 packs per strain per customer
  • If someone buys 5 different strains they'll receive 10% discount
  • If someone buys all 10 strains they'll receive 25% discount
  • illuminauto freebies with every illuminauto order - We've picked out Sour Hound x Heisenberg Special as the freebie
  • These will only be listed on our site for the duration of the drop - 12am Friday 19th GMT - (UK time) until 11.59pm Sunday 21st UTC - West Coast US time, after that what's left will go back into the vault :D
  • The next illuminautos drop will be a completely different line up, and no date for it yet.
  • Prices will be 29 euros for a 5 pack, 49 euros for a 10 pack
I hope all the above is crystal clear dudes and dudettes of AFN :bighug:
much love, mitch
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Oh and P.S if anyone has grown any of the ones mentioned, and has photos, please post here.
I know this doesn't apply to all on the list, I may have to raid the mephisto hard drive for a few.