New Grower If you are going to use jiffy peat plugs read this

Tommy boy

Just take the butchers word
Apr 2, 2017
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So if you are thinking about starting some seeds in jiffy peat plugs you should know that some times your sprouts can become root bound. Why u ask well because of fabric or netting they use. I think that because autoflowers roots move so quickly that if they encounter to much resistance they will seek the path of least resistance. And with jiffy peat plugs the netting is to much for the roots so they end up root bound. But if you already have like 100 of them like me there is a solution. Just soak them like normal in Ph 6.5 ish till fully expanded than carefully cut the fabric off not crumbling the plug . Poke a little hole plant seed and your good to go your roots will thank you. Than plant in your soil or whatever you use when you get your little ones sprouted . Hope this helps people. I think this should be made a sticky or whatever the threads in yellow are so new growers don't have this problem.
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I only cut the bottom fabric out as it keeps the jiffy in tact.

If you check the instructions on the packaging it sometimes says this (although not always)

I only cut the bottom fabric out as it keeps the jiffy in tact.

If you check the instructions on the packaging it sometimes says this (although not always)

great idea. I never bothered to read the instructions I probably should have lol
If the roots cant grow through a fabric netting, that plant is gonna have a long sickly life! Lol. The netting keeps the peat in place. Without it, Its likely to fall apart. Strong roots can grow through wood and concrete.. They should have zero problems growing through fabric netting.
If the roots cant grow through a fabric netting, that plant is gonna have a long sickly life! Lol. The netting keeps the peat in place. Without it, Its likely to fall apart. Strong roots can grow through wood and concrete.. They should have zero problems growing through fabric netting.
I have had it happen and I have read many other people having the same issue. I know roots are powerful I have seen sidewalks messed up from tree roots but most plants don't have as rapid of life cycle as autoflowers. I'm not say this will happen 100% of the time but it can happen. And if kept moist the peat doesn't fall apart I have been doing it for a couple years now. I'm just trying to help others so they don't have problems I did
If I wanted to kill a couple of plants I would do a comparison test to show that the jiffy pods fabric netting can constrict the roots. But I'm not going to do that my seed are to valuable to me. Just take my word for it and at least cut the bottom off like fettled6 said.
The roots will make it through eventually but you don't want to slow the roots down in the first crucial weeks
hey dudes just gonna jump in here cos i see a lot of people talking about things like this. always find it interesting that everyone manages to get such completely different results.
i transplant my autos twice and deliberately cut off the tap roots (air pruning) to make more roots and a stronger plant. i see a lot of people talking about how autos bloom once the roots run out of space but i grow in a 1” cube for a week then a 4” cube for another 10 days or so and havent seen preflower before day 49 yet. tap root runs out of places to go so the end stops growing and another tap root forms. end of that one runs out of space and stops growing.....etc etc.. keep going till theres dozens of them bursting out the cube then into the final media. ends up with a mass of roots bursting out in every direction after the second transplant wich increases the veg time. different strokes for different folks though i suppose. theres just as many would argue its best to plant in final media as thats what works best for them. you can never get a straight answer round here lol. : )