New Grower I think my autos arent growing as they should

May 5, 2018
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Hi guys,
So here is my trouble - I have germinated and planted in 9Liter pots (2.4gall) auto northern lights and auto blueberry Tuesday (01.05). Now for paramount reasons i keep them in the pots in a room with good temp at night and get them out on a terrace where they get that nice, free, natural sun all day long (currently getting slightly over 11 hrs of direct sunlight per day and 4-5 more of indirect one). However i am worried about their size, they seem to be quite short and the blueberry seems a bit droopy to me (am i overwatering? its my first time growing). Im leaving some photos with a credit card for scale and links to the seller if more info is needed. Also is there any chance that these babies will be ready by the end of July? I will be eternally grateful for any help and tips. Thanks!

P.S. Ive been told that 11hrs of direct sunlight is nowhere near enough and it should be at least 18. So if I keep this up do you think ill be left off with a laughable yield of 10-20G per plant or something, is it worth it at all...


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-Medium/grow method: organic soil with some parts natural fertiliser (cattle) Also its my grans recipe and shes been growing anything from flowers and trees to fruits and veggies for 60+yrs so i have a blind trust going on here

-Feed and supplements used: no supps, i water them when the soil is knuckle deep dry, or depending on how fast they drink up in hotter days

-Water source: tap water

-Strain and age: Nortern Light and Blueberry auto fem, both came out from the top of the soil on 01-May-2018 Also ive put links to the place i bought them from above

a temperate-continental climate with moderate features, 25 °C average during the day and at night they stay at room temp without any light (except regular light bulbs when i need it to see) as its impossible for me to buy any grow lights right now

- Light used: sun, 11hrs of nice hot direct sunlight and then 4-5 more in witch they are not directly shined upon, but still outside
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Thanks! Its my first time really so its like my pot virginity is taken away by two auto-girls and im real nervous cuz at the end of the day i just wanna lie down and have a bunch of good weed and an erection
P.S. I do stand up comedy
P.P.S No i dont, but still grateful for the info! <3
P.P.S.S?! How about that whole light thing? Am i gonna have terrible results with that amount of sun or is it really not that big of a deal? Whats your experience in that?
Hi guys,
So here is my trouble - I have germinated and planted in 9Liter pots (2.4gall) auto northern lights and auto blueberry Tuesday (01.05). Now for paramount reasons i keep them in the pots in a room with good temp at night and get them out on a terrace where they get that nice, free, natural sun all day long (currently getting slightly over 11 hrs of direct sunlight per day and 4-5 more of indirect one). However i am worried about their size, they seem to be quite short and the blueberry seems a bit droopy to me (am i overwatering? its my first time growing). Im leaving some photos with a credit card for scale and links to the seller if more info is needed. Also is there any chance that these babies will be ready by the end of July? I will be eternally grateful for any help and tips. Thanks!

P.S. Ive been told that 11hrs of direct sunlight is nowhere near enough and it should be at least 18. So if I keep this up do you think ill be left off with a laughable yield of 10-20G per plant or something, is it worth it at all...


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View attachment 902781

-Medium/grow method: organic soil with some parts natural fertiliser (cattle) Also its my grans recipe and shes been growing anything from flowers and trees to fruits and veggies for 60+yrs so i have a blind trust going on here

-Feed and supplements used: no supps, i water them when the soil is knuckle deep dry, or depending on how fast they drink up in hotter days

-Water source: tap water

-Strain and age: Nortern Light and Blueberry auto fem, both came out from the top of the soil on 01-May-2018 Also ive put links to the place i bought them from above

a temperate-continental climate with moderate features, 25 °C average during the day and at night they stay at room temp without any light (except regular light bulbs when i need it to see) as its impossible for me to buy any grow lights right now

- Light used: sun, 11hrs of nice hot direct sunlight and then 4-5 more in witch they are not directly shined upon, but still outside
Looks pretty good so far!

I have two girls that popped above ground last Saturday so they’re about the same age as yours.

Best of luck!!

Outdoor plants do fine, they don't turn into sticky icky goo monsters, but good smoke is achievable. But more light is better! We have an outdoor section, and our outdoor competition just began... there's lots of info around to help ya get it right.
Tons of people don't even know that marijuana can help with an erection, especially those taking nasty pain meds that hinders getting hard.

Bubba Kush... should of named it Chubba Kush...

Did you ever wonder if the pharma companies are putting extra stuff in there so the pill junkies (no offense to anyone, I know first hand how tough they are to kick) aren't as able to reproduce, thus weeding them out slowly but surely on so many levels: OD, robbing and killing for them, can't make babies, etc.

Sorry to thread jack, but you made me laugh and I just had to chime in. Your plants look fine, they are just babies! Keep giving them that free sunlight, it's better than any indoor light. If you could get them in a position for more direct light it would make for faster growth, but 11 hours of direct sunlight really isn't too bad. Maybe move them midday to reposition the pots better, if that is an option. And if you only get 10-20 grams per plant for your first grow that's doing just fine, you will do way better the next time. Maybe research strains and find some that do extra well in less direct light, probably lots of the sativa's are good for that since they evolved in environments with less direct light (think jungles). Where indica's came from more temperate regions further north where the sun is overhead for many more hours per day during the growing season, so they may want/need more hours of light to perform how nature intended.
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P.S. Ive been told that 11hrs of direct sunlight is nowhere near enough and it should be at least 18. So if I keep this up do you think ill be left off with a laughable yield of 10-20G per plant or something, is it worth it at all...

Not sure where you heard that, but they are wrong bud. I have grown several really nice autos in less than 8 hours of sun. Density does often suffer, and yields are only okay(versus 15 hours of direct sun) pulling 30-100 grams per auto. Check out the maximizing autos article link in my signature.
You wont pull quite as good of a harvest in 11 hours, but you could do just fine. 40+ grams per plant is a reasonable goal if you grow them well.