Mar 18, 2018
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Hello world and those who inhabit it. These brave plants are the survivors of my first grow experience. I didn't know if I completely closed my tent and left the little windows open, (without intake or exhaust fans) that they would starve of CO2. When I checked the next morning they were dry as dust and looked lifeless. They have managed to survive but haven't been the same since. Do you guys have any suggestions on how to bring these babies back to life? The one on the left has green leaves and seems to be growing. The one on right only has green on budding sites, everything else brown and dead. Honestly want to continue growing these plants organically, but I am open and appreciative of any advice that may help.

Situation: plants on edge of death
Setup: Lemon Bud by Green label (photo period), grow tent, clip on fan, 600w led light, roots organic soil, locally made earthworm castings (unsure if it helps soil yet)

Picture attached to thread


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just seen this thread with the pic attached wow did this happen overnight or has the problem been getting worse as time goes on il tag some heavyweight in see if we can help you in some way @Waira @blue
Well since you're growing photos you have a lot of options. The best thing would be in trying to figure out how you got where you're at? I don't think all this stuff happened just cuz you closed your plant up one time. It would help if we had pictures under normal light or just the flash on your camera and give us an idea of what you been doing for food and water how often how much, Etc.

You can always reveg those plants and start over, I'm just not sure that would be the best use of your time or materials.
Well since you're growing photos you have a lot of options. The best thing would be in trying to figure out how you got where you're at? I don't think all this stuff happened just cuz you closed your plant up one time. It would help if we had pictures under normal light or just the flash on your camera and give us an idea of what you been doing for food and water how often how much, Etc.

You can always reveg those plants and start over, I'm just not sure that would be the best use of your time or materials.

Thank you for the reply, I honestly remember the plants getting bone dry and lifeless leaves after falling asleep with tent closed. Before that they were both good healthy plants. So far old only top dressed with local earthworm castings, but doesn't seem to be helping the plant on right to recover. Revegging might be the only option, because I do want these plants to produce flower.
just seen this thread with the pic attached wow did this happen overnight or has the problem been getting worse as time goes on il tag some heavyweight in see if we can help you in some way @Waira @blue

:D hehe Thanks for the tag! It made me chuckle as i'm not it wairas league, but i'm happy to take a peek!

It honestly looks cooked.
One way or the other. I suspect heat and lack of watering (same thing happened to my strawberries last year :( ).

It'd be a fun experiment to carry on ... but practically, you'd be better of starting a new one and getting it nicely vegged so it can make nice buds for you.

The most important thing is getting the environment it the tent right.
You'll really need extraction, (air circulation) and to keep an acceptable temp range (65g-85f is a massive window to keep within)

If you can get your tent like that on the inside, then as long as you check your PH and don't over feed, you'll definately get to a harvest!

Good Luck :D

All teh best
Blue ^_^