I Killed Her!! And Then I Didn't..


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
HA! Made you look lol!

The story is this, I planted a Cheesus Dragon for the solo cup contest. She sprouted, looked ok. Then about three days later, she looked bad. While transplanting some other plants, I decided to start a different seed in the solo cup. I yank the dragon straight up and out, and not gently, and threw it on to a prepped pot. I left it just lying there for maybe 20 minutes As I went to plant in that pot, I picked up the reject to toss it. BUT, without even a thought about it, I planted it at the rim of the pot. She didn't have a chance really, I knew this, but aww what the hell. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Never count a plant out!

She looked like shit for a week. Then It was suddenly a healthy little plant! A VERY healthy little plant!
And she just kept getting bigger and bigger! Its almost a shame she's in a 1 gallon pot!

she hasn't flowered so I don't believe she'll auto. I'll put her in the 12/12 tent and get her flowering, she's already 43 days old!

Cheeseus Dragon for contest pic1 -1-10-2017.jpg
Cheeseus Dragon for contest pic1 -2-22-2017.jpg
How did she end up turning out?
HA! Made you look lol!

The story is this, I planted a Cheesus Dragon for the solo cup contest. She sprouted, looked ok. Then about three days later, she looked bad. While transplanting some other plants, I decided to start a different seed in the solo cup. I yank the dragon straight up and out, and not gently, and threw it on to a prepped pot. I left it just lying there for maybe 20 minutes As I went to plant in that pot, I picked up the reject to toss it. BUT, without even a thought about it, I planted it at the rim of the pot. She didn't have a chance really, I knew this, but aww what the hell. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Never count a plant out!

She looked like shit for a week. Then It was suddenly a healthy little plant! A VERY healthy little plant!
And she just kept getting bigger and bigger! Its almost a shame she's in a 1 gallon pot!

she hasn't flowered so I don't believe she'll auto. I'll put her in the 12/12 tent and get her flowering, she's already 43 days old!

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The lil Cheesus Dragon that could!
LOL! That's life! Like my Black Dragon run.......8 females out of 24 plants........ geez.....

Hahahha......the twist in the tale !!! :crying: Bravo