New Grower I hope it is not just snake oil

Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash

Today I got Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Sensi Calmag Xtra and Overdrive.

Any experience with these products?
Is it working? Or is it snake oil?

I fed the White Widow half dose calmag and full dose Big Bud. Super Skunk got the full dose of both.
I grow with LED so I need calmag, and I can works lol.

Big Bud, well, who knows bro....I use it because it is part of the feed schedule I use.

Overdrive definitely works wonders, fattens up your flowers fast, even induces flowering, as a grower here has documented accidentally..

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Thank you, @DarkGreen

I just fed the girls with Calmag and Big Bud. I use Hesi and PowderFeeding nutes, alternating every 2 feedings. The AN drugs are on top of these.

Maybe I should go AN when I have used all the nutes I have. I have alot. I am a biochemist. I like to have a lot of chemicals in my home lab and document everything in my journals an note books. Too bad my huge archives will be trown out as grabage when I die.
Yeah I've not got much brief when it comes to other brands, but I did use BioBizz stuff when I grew a couple of autos outdoors.

End of the day, AN are overpriced for what they are, bud factor x for instance, has only a few cheap ingredients, but is priced like a black market kidney.

But budfactor x works, so it's up to the consumer to decide wether they want to buy it mixed and tested for a price.

Being a biochemist, I'm sure you know your whats from your nots bro.

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I agree! I was very hesitant about purchasing it. Looking at the chemistry, I can make it cheaper from the base chemicals. But my wife don't like me running a chemistry lab in our appartment, in addition to growing.
Understandable, my girlfriend doesn't like me growing at all, but she'd meltdown if I was messing around with chemicals in the garage aswell lol.

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I agree! I was very hesitant about purchasing it. Looking at the chemistry, I can make it cheaper from the base chemicals. But my wife don't like me running a chemistry lab in our appartment, in addition to growing.
If you really are a chemist, like you claim, and understand the base chemicals in these products, like you claim, then you already know they are not snake oil..calling bullshit on this one :dizzy:
If you really are a chemist, like you claim, and understand the base chemicals in these products, like you claim, then you already know they are not snake oil..calling bullshit on this one :dizzy:

The easy things is to mix the base elements, N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and trace elements. What we want to pay for is the components they keep kind of secret, like "hormons", "plant sugars" etc. That is what make a product unique and worth paying for. UC what I mean?
The easy things is to mix the base elements, N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and trace elements. What we want to pay for is the components they keep kind of secret, like "hormons", "plant sugars" etc. That is what make a product unique and worth paying for. UC what I mean?
sure, I see what you are saying now
The easy things is to mix the base elements, N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Fe and trace elements. What we want to pay for is the components they keep kind of secret, like "hormons", "plant sugars" etc. That is what make a product unique and worth paying for. UC what I mean?
Molasses! :biggrin: