New Grower I have a wee problem .


Worm Hunter .
Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Aug 9, 2014
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Guys , I have some plants that are behind in there stage than others , which means I will be switching to flower before the others are ready , now is it ok for me to have the plants that need switching at one end of the room [ own light ] and still veg with the other light as you will see in the photos , and the bird is a galar , comes to my yard every afternoon to eat the berrys in the trees . 002.jpg003.jpg001.jpg
Guys , I have some plants that are behind in there stage than others , which means I will be switching to flower before the others are ready , now is it ok for me to have the plants that need switching at one end of the room [ own light ] and still veg with the other light as you will see in the photos , and the bird is a galar , comes to my yard every afternoon to eat the berrys in the trees .View attachment 419027View attachment 419028View attachment 419029
Good question I have the same issue .I have 5 white widows and 5 critical 2.0 that were started at the same time but developed at different speeds so that some are in preflower and others are slightly behind. I have decided to to leave everything at the status quo ( veg state ) until the ones that are lagging behind catch up or at least reach the preflower stage as well. It looks like we may have to wait until more people get out of bed until we get an answer to this one . Love the bird :tiphat:
If they are auto's you don't have to worry about changing the light cycle you can keep it at 18/6 or 20/4 but if they are photo's then if you keep one light at one end on for veg and cut the hours for flower on the other they probably won't go into flower or if they do it will be very slowly
If they are auto's you don't have to worry about changing the light cycle you can keep it at 18/6 or 20/4 but if they are photo's then if you keep one light at one end on for veg and cut the hours for flower on the other they probably won't go into flower or if they do it will be very slowly

I should have explained better , my lights have 2 switches , one for veg and then switch to flower as it has different light spectrum , it is not time that is the issue .
I am sure the light spectrum is not so critical with autos and more important with photos. Happy to be corrected as I often have thought about this subject. More light hours = more growth and light intensity = more yield however too much light can stress autos(especially with seedlings). So more is not always best.
I should have explained better , my lights have 2 switches , one for veg and then switch to flower as it has different light spectrum , it is not time that is the issue .
If my understanding of autos is correct time and intensity are codependent in your situation . You will have one lamp at flower ( shorter hours, flower intensity ) one lamp at veg ( longer hours veg intensity ). Which means your going to have lamps coming on and off at different times and intensity . May confuse the plants as to what state there in . Just sayin . :tiphat:
You haven't said if they are auto or photo.

Firstly I have a LED with selective switch as follows - veg - flower - full spectrum.

veg - only half the LEDs are on giving more blue but some reds and other colours are on as well.

Flower - only half the LEDs are on but are all reds.

Full Spectrum - All the LEDs are on.

If you turn on all the LEDS ie full spectrum none of you plants will complain, my plants get initially get Veg spectrum for a couple of week then it is full spectrum all the way.

If your plants happen to be Photo's and you are worried they are too small to flower, don't worry Cannabis plant don't reach sexual maturity until around week three and then they will start to flower under 12/12 light.

I have grown 12/12 from seed and had great results, but like I said they didn't start to flower until after 3 weeks vegetative growth.

Again if your plants are photo's, it was suggested that you have different light schedules at opposite ends of your cab. This is not going to work, both lights would need to be isolated from each other or you will get get confused plants and possibly herms, this is why you never disturb their dark period and veg and grow tents are kept separated. Light leaks should always be avoided.

Either you construct a light proof wall which looks quite doable in you cab, you may have to be creative with you exhaust so you can vent both side without light leak but by no means impossible.

Or you set your lights to full spectrum which is a much easier proposition.

I know I mentioned things to do if they are photo's partly to cover all bases and partly because I don't know if they are or not.

My gut feeling says they are auto's and what ever light schedule you use full spectrum is a good option,

lol that picture of the bird takes me back to watching aussie soaps when I was younger and someone would call someone else a "flaming galar" :D
Guys , I have some plants that are behind in there stage than others , which means I will be switching to flower before the others are ready , now is it ok for me to have the plants that need switching at one end of the room [ own light ] and still veg with the other light as you will see in the photos , and the bird is a galar , comes to my yard every afternoon to eat the berrys in the trees .View attachment 419027View attachment 419028View attachment 419029

Sulphur crested galah ? ;-)